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发布时间: 2022-05-31 13:20:07

1. 急求用英语介绍各式甜点(黑森林蛋糕,蛋挞,蝴蝶酥等) 简单介绍即可(用英文)

Black Forest cake consists of several layers of chocolate cake, with whipped cream and cherries between each layer. Then the cake is decorated with additional whipped cream, maraschino cherries, and chocolate shavings. In some European traditions sour cherries are used both between the layers and for decorating the top. Traditionally, Kirschwasser (a clear liquor distilled from tart cherries) is added to the cake, although other liquors are also used (such as rum, which is common in Austrian recipes). In the United States, Black Forest cake is most often prepared without alcohol.

The egg tart is a kind of custard tart pastry commonly found in Hong Kong and other Asian countries, which consists of an outer pastry crust that is filled with egg custard and baked.Today, egg tarts come in many variations within Hong Kong cuisine, including egg white, milk, honey-egg, ginger-flavoured egg, which are variations of a traditional milk custard and egg custard served in cha chaan tengs, and also chocolate tarts, green-tea-flavoured tarts, and even bird's nest tarts. Unlike English custard tarts, milk is normally not added to the egg custard, and the tart is not sprinkled with ground nutmeg or cinnamon before serving. It is also served piping hot rather than at room temperature like English custard tarts.

A palm tree (French: palmier) or elephant ear is a German , Spanish, French, Italian, Jewish, and Portuguese pastry (among other cuisines) in a palm shape or a butterfly shape, sometimes called palm leaves, elephant ears, french hearts or glasses. It is thought to have originated in France around the turn of the 20th century, but appears to a broader geography than just France. In Germany they are known as "Schweineohren" or in English "pig's ears". There is no known first credit for the recipe. Palmiers are made from puff pastry, a laminated dough similar to the dough used for croissant, but without the yeast. Puff pastry is alternating layers of dough and melted butter. The puff pastry is rolled out, coated with sugar, and then the two sides are rolled up together so that they meet in the middle, making a roll that is then cut into about 1/4" slices and baked. Usually it is rolled in sugar before baking. In the Puerto Rican version, it is topped with honey.