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通辽蛋糕哪里有卖 2024-09-20 09:07:23
杭州去哪里学烘焙蛋糕 2024-09-20 08:53:37


发布时间: 2022-01-05 18:07:28

A. 芝士蛋糕英文介绍

  1. 奶油奶酪提前放置室温软化,如果没有来得及,也可以把装奶油奶酪的小盆放在加热中的热水锅里,一边小火加热一边搅拌就软化了。

B. How to make cheese cake 怎么做芝士蛋糕(英文)

不过烤奶酪时温度要注意。。。。不可过高。。。还有,最好就是隔水烤。。。。有兴趣的话加80710993 可以详细给你解说。。。。

C. 芝士蛋糕英文怎么说,芝士蛋糕的英文例句

cheese cake

And this is some cheesecake I made for my neighbours.

Will you take me to Cheesecake Factory on Friday at7:00?

D. 各种甜品的英文,

各种甜品的英文:cake蛋糕;cheese奶酪;cookies曲奇;chocolate巧克力;honey蜂蜜;ice cream冰淇淋;pudding布丁;almond milk杏仁露;sesame paste芝麻糊;donut甜甜圈等。





E. 蛋糕在英语中有几种说法呢



比如意大利提拉米苏:Italian Tiramisu


蓝莓芝士蛋糕(blue cheese cake)
天使蛋糕(Angelfood cake)
苹果蛋糕(Apple cake)
年轮蛋糕 (Baumkuchen)
生日蛋糕(Birthday cake)
奶油蛋糕(Butter cake)
蝴蝶蛋糕(Butterfly cake)
胡萝卜蛋糕(Carrot cake)
巧克力蛋糕(Chocolate cake)
圣诞蛋糕(Christmas cake)
雪芳蛋糕(Chiffon cake)
恶魔蛋糕(Devil's food cake)
葡萄干蛋糕(Eccles cake)
色情蛋糕(Fairy cake)
水果蛋糕(Fruit cake)
德式巧克力蛋糕(German chocolate cake)
热那亚式蛋糕(Génoise Cake)
牛油蛋糕(Gooey butter cake)
热牛奶蛋糕(Hot milk cake)
冰奶油蛋糕(Ice cream cake)
佳发蛋糕(Jaffa Cakes)
马德拉岛蛋糕(Madeira cake)
纸包蛋糕(Paper wrapped cake)
花色小蛋糕(Petit fours)
倒转煎菠萝蛋糕(Pineapple Upside Down Cake)
磅蛋糕(Pound cake)(因以面粉,黄油,糖等原料各一磅而得名)
伊丽莎白女王蛋糕(Queen Elisabeth cake)
红豆蛋糕(Red bean cake)
红色天鹅绒蛋糕(Red velvet cake)
黑森林蛋糕(Schwarzwald Cake)
重油水果蛋糕(Simnel cake)
香料蛋糕(Spice cake)
海绵蛋糕(Sponge cake)
卷蛋糕(Swiss roll)
香草切片蛋糕(Vanilla slice)
结婚蛋糕(Wedding cake)

F. 我做的芝士蛋糕 英语怎么说

the cheese cake made by me
the cheese cake (that /which) I made
这个可省 做made逻辑关系上宾语


G. 求咖啡厅中饮品和甜点的中英文对照!


Caffè Mocha 摩卡
Caramel Macchiato 焦糖玛奇朵
Caffè Americano 美式
Caffè Latte 拿铁
Cappuccino 卡布奇诺
Iced Caffe Latte冰拿铁
Iced Caffe Mocha冰摩卡
Iced Caffe Americano冰美式

Caramel Coffee Jelly 焦糖吉利
Vanilla Frappuccino香草星冰乐
coffee Frappuccino咖啡星冰乐
mocha Frappuccino 摩卡星冰乐
Frappuccino® Blended Tea 芒果茶星冰乐

Decaf 脱因咖啡
non-fat 脱脂牛奶
Coffee Frappuccino星冰乐
Espresso Frappuccino浓缩星冰乐
Caramel Cream Frappuccino焦糖星冰乐
Chocolate Cream Frappuccino巧克力星冰乐
Muffin:Chocolate, Blueberry, Banana麦芬:巧克力、蓝莓、香蕉
Classic Chocolate Cake 法式巧克力蛋糕
Black Forest Cake维也纳黑森林蛋糕
Cheese Cake芝士蛋糕
Blueberry Cheese Cake蓝莓芝士蛋糕
Pizza:Smoked Chicken, Tuna披萨:熏鸡、呑拿鱼
Vegetable&Ham Pie蔬菜派
Cheese Stick & Cookies芝士条、各类饼干
French Sandwich:Tuna, Smoked Chicken法式三明治:呑拿鱼、熏鸡
Sandwich:Ham&Cheese, Roasted Chicken, Ham&Egg瑞士三明治:火腿芝士、烤鸡胸、火腿蛋
Vegetable Salad田园沙拉
Tuna Salad呑拿鱼沙拉
Macaroni Salad通心粉沙拉
Potato Salad薯仔沙拉
Fruit Cup水果沙拉
Meal Box:Tuna, Ham&Cheese餐盒:呑拿鱼、火腿芝士

H. 冻酸奶芝士蛋糕用英语怎么说


Frozen yogurt Cheesecake


  • 酸奶yoghourt;leben

  • 芝士蛋糕cheese cake

I. 急求芝士蛋糕的英文简介!明天就要!拜托拜托!

Cheesecake is a rich dessert dish made with cheese, typically cream cheese, although cottage cheese or even sour cream may be used, depending on the recipe. The texture of cheesecake is extremely rich and creamy, and the taste can range from sweet to highly tangy. In some places, cheesecake takes the form of a savory tart, rather than a dessert food. Many pastry shops sell cheesecake, which is also a featured dessert item at restaurants around the world. It can also be made at home with relative ease.

Technically, cheesecake is a pie or custard, not a cake at all. In most cases, cheesecake is made with a crumbly crust, which is often created using crushed cookies or graham crackers. Cheesecake may also be made like a custard in a large mold without any crust at all. It is typically served chilled, and may be topped with fresh fruit, glazes, or whipped cream. Allowing cheesecake to chill for a day will create a dessert with a rich, mature, complex flavor, so many cooks make it the day before it is needed.

There are a wide range of variations on cheesecake, from the dense, tall New York cheesecake to the more light, mild French cheesecake. Cheesecake may be baked with eggs, or uncooked with gelatin. As a general rule, it is made in a springform pan and unmolded for eating. Cheesecake is also very high in fat, with a luxurious texture which can only be created through a high fat content.

J. 森永芝士蛋糕粉110g用英语怎么说

森永芝士蛋糕粉110g用英语翻译是:Morinaga cheese cake powder 110g