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24岁男人蛋糕图片 2024-10-09 16:03:05


发布时间: 2024-10-09 14:12:18

㈠ 高分求关于戚风蛋糕的英文资料,最好附翻译^^


(1) 分蛋要小心,勿使蛋白沾到一丝油、水或蛋黄。

(2) 糖需分两份,加在蛋黄中,一份加在蛋白中。

(3) 加油和牛奶时,要一匙加入拌匀再加另一匙,不要一口气全倒入。

(4) 面粉筛入后轻轻拌匀即可,不要用力搅拌或搅拌过久。

(5) 蛋白一定要打到硬性发泡,即其尖锋能竖立不下垂才行,否则烤好后蛋糕易塌陷。

(6) 将蛋白泡沫与蛋黄面糊拌匀时,动作要轻且快,如果拌得太久或太用力,面糊易变稀。入炉烘烤时,面糊越浓,蛋糕烤好后就越膨松不易塌陷,如果面糊呈稀软状态则可能失败。

(7) 蛋糕模型不可涂油,因为戚风蛋糕面糊必须借助黏附模型壁的力量往上膨胀,有油就失去黏附力了,所以只需在模型底部垫上底纸即可。


一、 材料:蛋3个、糖7匙、牛油(色拉油)3匙、牛奶5匙、低筋面粉100克、发粉1小匙(或用自发粉100克代替)、盐1/4小匙、塔塔粉1/4小匙(无可用几滴柠檬汁或白醋代替)、电动打蛋器、量匙。







Proction elements:

(1) eggs to be careful, Wu Shi-Zhan slightest oil, water or egg yolk.

(2) Sugar takes two minutes, add the egg yolks, an increase in protein.

(3) refueling and milk, it is necessary to join the拌匀a spoonful of the key with another, not all at one go into.

(4) after lightly flour sieve into拌匀can, do not force mixing or stirring too long.

(5) protein must reach the hard foam, that is, its sharp front ptosis才行be erected not otherwise Kaohao-cake after the collapse.

(6) of the bubble and the yolk batter拌匀, to be light and fast action, if the mix for too long or too forced, thin batter volatile. Baked into the furnace, the more dense batter, the cake bulk Kaohao more difficult after the collapse, if the batter was thin soft state is likely to fail.

(7) cake model of an Oiler, as chiffon cake batter must build on the strength of adhesion model wall swelling up, the oil will lose its adhesion, so only at the bottom of the model to put to paper at the end.

Specifically, as follows:

1. Material: 3 eggs, sugar 7 spoons, butter (salad oil) 3 keys, 5 spoons of milk, 100 grams of low-gluten flour, Fafen a spoon (or use their own instead of 100 grams of powder), salt 1 / 4 spoon, tartar 1 / 4 spoon (no drops of lemon juice or vinegar can be used instead), the electric Mixer, of the key.

Second, add egg yolks 4 spoons of sugar, with straight Mixer hit so far was milky white.

Third, a spoonful of salad oil a spoonful of accession, together with another force拌匀keys, and then adding milk, the same reason.

4, flour, salt and sieve into the Fafen, lightly拌匀, not to over-mixing, put aside.

5, a protein with Mixer and tartar, to a crude protein bubbles, by adding three spoons of sugar to continue to fight hard foam.

6, from 1 / 3 of the bubble拌匀paste with egg yolk, then the whole set of bubble into the egg yolk paste in拌匀, action should be light and fast

7, will be blowing into the cake batter has a pad of paper model, Ma Ping surface, the table to throw the earthquake within the larger bubbles, into the oven down layer, and bake 180 degrees about 15 minutes and then lowered to 160 Bake for 10 to 15 minutes.

8, after the release of Gekai model with a knife edge, Flip out Chenre removed at the end of paper, on the cooler shelf cooling.

㈡ 锅氲泲绯曡嫳鏂


Making cakes銆


鍙岃渚嫔彞锛欧edding cake缁揿氲泲绯曪绂缁揿氱硶锛涚粨濠氩吀绀艰泲绯曘俢hocolate cake链卞彜锷涜泲绯曪绂娴撴儏链卞彜锷涘喕楗硷绂链卞彜锷涢ゼ銆侹ing cake甯濈帇铔嬬硶锛涘浗鐜嬭泲绯曘俧ilter cake婊らゼ锛涙偿楗硷绂婊ゆ福锛涜繃婊ゅ潡銆侾eanut cake铔嬮叆鑺变粊锛涜姳鐢熺硶锛涜姳鐢熼ゼ锛涜姳鐢熼叆銆


1銆乄e'd been making cakes and colouring the posters.鎴戜滑涓鐩村湪锅氲泲绯曪纴缁欐捣鎶ヤ笂镩层

2銆乀his machine is a great help in making cakes more quickly.杩椤彴链哄櫒澶уぇ链夊姪浜庢洿蹇鍦板埗浣灭硶镣广

3銆丏o you use coffee essence in making cakes?浣犲仛铔嬬硶镞剁敤涓岖敤鍜栧暋绮撅纻

4銆丼he is making cakes.濂瑰湪锅氲泲绯曘

㈢ 写做蛋糕的方法英文的要求列123简单点

  1. First, mix the flour, sugar, butter and milk together to a thick flour paste. 首先,混合面粉,糖,黄油和牛奶一起粗面粉糊。

  2. Second, put the paste into the cake mould. Set the oven at 200 degree C, and bake it for 20 mins. and then let it cool for half an hour.、


  3. Third, the cream and you most like fruits, such as strawberry, mango, watermelon on the cake.


㈣ 做蛋糕的英文





㈤ 做蛋糕的做法(英文的)

Main ingredients: 4 eggs, 100g granulated sugar, 70g low-gluten milk, 45ml oil, 1g baking powder, 350ml light cream, 10 strawberries.


1,Separate the egg yolks from the egg whites and place them in two separate basins.


㈥ 做蛋糕用英文怎么

一、蛋糕的英文是Cake,音标:英 [keɪk] 美 [keɪk]



例:a piece/slice of cake 一块 / 一片蛋糕

to make/bake a cake 做 / 烘烤蛋糕

a chocolate cake巧克力蛋糕

2、Cake做为vt.& vi.时意思为:(使)结块;(使)胶;涂厚厚的一层






1、第三人称单数: cakes

2、复数: cakes

3、现在分词: caking

4、过去式: caked

5、过去分词: caked

6、派生词: caked adj.


蛋糕[dàn gāo]:[cake] 由鸡蛋、面粉以及糖、油等制成的一种松软的糕点


(1)n.have your cake and eat it

also have your cake and eat it too NAmE, BrE


to have the advantages of sth without its disadvantages;

to have both things that are available


(2)a slice/share of the cake

NAmE a piece/slice/share of the pie


a share of the available money or benefits that you believe you have a right to

(3)take the cake

= take the biscuit at biscuit

(4)go/sell like hot cakes畅销

to sell quickly or in great numbers

(5)a piece of cake

(informal) 轻而易举的事;举手之劳

a thing that is very easy to do

㈦ 英文的制作蛋糕的方法!!急!!


1/4 cup butter, softened
1/4 cup butter flavored Crisco
2 eggs
1 cup sugar
1 1/2 cups sifted cake flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup buttermilk, yogurt, or sour cream
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/4 teaspoon almond extract
1/8 teaspoon mace (optional)

Preheat oven to 350 F degrees. Butter and flour one half-size bundt cake pan or one bread loaf or large brownie pan.
Cream butter, Crisco, and graally add the sugar, creaming until light and fluffy. Add eggs one at a time, beating well after each addition.

In a separate bowl, sift together the flour, baking powder, soda, and salt. Add flour mixture alternately with milk and flavorings to creamed mixture, beating after each addition until smooth and light. Pour batter into cake pan. Bake for 20-25 minutes or until a toothpick inserted in center comes out clean.

Cool in pan 10 minutes, remove and finish cooling on rack.

Frost when cool with your favorite frosting or drizzle with confectioner's icing and sprinkle with cinnamon sugar.