① 英语翻译1 这蛋糕味道怎么样
How does this cake taste?的中文翻译_网络翻译
How does this cake taste?
taste 英[teɪst] 美[test]
n. 滋味; 味觉; 体验; 风味;
vt. 尝,品尝;
vt. 吃; 喝; 浅尝;
[例句]I like the taste of wine and enjoy trying different kinds
② 缇庡懗镄勮泲绯曡嫳璇
缇庡懗镄勮泲绯曡嫳璇鏄痉elicious cake銆
1銆乨elicious 缇庡懗镄
杩欎釜鍗曡瘝鏄链甯哥敤镄勮〃杈剧编锻崇殑銆伥he delicious taste 缇庡懗浣宠偞It钬荣 delicious.瀹幂湡缇庡懗鍟婏紒
5銆乤ppetizing 寮鑳幂殑
Appetizing food looks and smells good, so that you want to eat it.寮鑳幂殑椋熺墿鐪嬭捣𨱒ュ拰闂昏捣𨱒ラ兘寰堜笉阌欙纴鎼炲缑浣犲緢𨱍冲悆銆
6銆乼asty 缇庡懗镄
a tasty meal
③ 有关蛋糕味道的几句英语介绍
It smells good(sweet).
It tastes delicious(sweet,soft,good).
④ "蛋糕还有多种口味的"的英语单词
This cake has various tasted。
⑤ 这蛋糕味道怎么样 英语
How does this cake taste?
How does this bear taste?May i test it?
The food taste is very good./The food taste is so so./The food taste is very bad.
⑥ 你喜欢什么口味的蛋糕 英语
What kind/flavor of cake/ice cream do you like?
This piece of cake is the best/worst one
This bottle of wine is the most expensive one .
cheapest one.
What color of cars do you like?
What color do you like of cars?
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