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发布时间: 2022-01-07 08:02:46

① 钻石婚蛋糕如何裱字


② 今天是结婚纪念日,想定个蛋糕,蛋糕上写什么字好呢


③ 爷爷奶奶钻石婚 蛋糕上写点什么好呢 快点奥~


④ 红宝石婚蛋糕上写什么啊急啊


⑤ 订婚蛋糕上应该写些什么词比较好呢


⑥ 结婚纪念日的蛋糕应该写什么字


⑦ 五十周年金婚的蛋糕上写什么字比较好

携手同心点金为钻 (寓意还要携手过钻石婚)

⑧ 结婚纪念日蛋糕上写什么字


⑨ 结婚蛋糕上的祝福语怎样写


天作之合 心心相印 永结同心 相亲相爱百年好合 永浴爱河 佳偶天成 宜室宜家白头偕老 百年琴瑟 百年偕老 花好月圆福禄鸳鸯 天缘巧合 美满良缘 郎才女貌瓜瓞延绵 情投意合 夫唱妇随 珠联壁合凤凰于飞 美满家园 琴瑟合鸣 相敬宾同德同心 鼓琴瑟 花开并蒂 缔结良缘缘订三生 成家之始 鸳鸯壁合 文定吉祥


1.You're the luckiest guy in the world. 你是世界上最幸运的人儿。

2.May the coming years, fill your lives with love and happiness. 在未来的数年,将你的生命装满爱和快乐。

3.May you have a long and loving life together. 愿你们长久、热爱生活在一起。

4.We never knew two people better suited to each other. 我们从未见过如此般配的一对。

5.Only once in a lifetime that a special dream comes true. And suddenly your entire world seems beautiful and new. Best wishes always! 一 生中只有一次美梦实现的奇迹,你俩的整个世界顿时变得绚丽新奇。祝永远幸福!

6.May the joy you share on your wedding day Be the kind you'll share all along life's way. 愿你俩婚礼之日分享的喜悦,将伴随你俩共度人生的岁月。

7.He must be extra special, because he is marrying a lovely girl. 新娘如此可爱,新郎必定英俊不凡。

8.You two are a perfect match. Here's wishing you both a lifetime of happiness. 你们是天生的一对,祝你们永远幸福。

9.A wish to two happy people for a future of dreams comes true, Congratulations! 祝两个幸福的人儿,来日美梦都成现实。祝贺你们!

10.God bless you and yours, and surround you ever with his blessing. 愿上帝祝福你和你的爱人,永远赐福于你们。

11.May you two always be in love! May happiness increase with age. 愿你俩永浴爱河,祝你俩幸福与年俱增。

12.Wishing you a world of happiness and love as all your dreams come true. 但愿天从人愿,幸福与爱情无边!

13.Wishing you many years of joy and happiness. 祝你有用永远的欢乐和幸福。

14.For the Bride and Groom Wishing you love in your hearts, joy in your home. 为新娘和新郎祝福你爱在心中,在你的家里。

15.Wishing you two an abundance of love and happiness. 祝你们俩有丰富的爱和幸福。

16.Best wishes for a lifetime of love and happiness. 最美好的祝愿,祝你们终生爱情和幸福。

17.Congratulations and best wishes. 致以衷心的祝贺和良好的祝愿。

18.Congratulations to both of you. 祝贺你们俩。

19.Wishing you a wonderful beginning, and love to last a lifetime. 愿你有一个美妙的开始,相爱一辈子。

20.It is my great privilege, on this most auspicious occasion, to say a word of congratulation to the groom, Mr。 Smith, and to wish much happiness to his lovely bride。在这个良辰吉时,我很荣幸向新郎史密斯先生说恭喜,并祝他的可爱的新娘幸福美满。

21.Best wishes on a long and happy life together. 最美好的祝愿在漫长而幸福的生活在一起。

22.May your marriage be blessed with faith, joy, and love. 愿你们的婚礼是有信心、喜乐和爱。

23.Congratulations, wishing you guys the best life can give you. 祝贺,祝你们最好的生活所能给你的。

24.I consider it a special privilege to wish the bride on behalf classmates the best of luck and much happiness on the occasion of her wedding。非常荣幸代表新娘的同学在新娘结婚的大喜之日来祝贺她多福、美满。

25.Congratulations and have a beautiful honeymoon。 恭喜你们,祝你们有个美好的蜜月。

26.Today is indeed a joyous occasion for all of us present here。对我们列席的每个人而言,今天真是个令人欢欣的日子。

27.I will conclude by congratulating the young couple on their marriage, and wishing them a long life of happiness together。最后我们恭喜这对年轻新人,祝他们白头偕老,幸福美满。

28.You two are the prince and princess in a fairy tale and may you live happily everafter! 你俩正如童话故事中的王子和公主,祝你们永远幸福快乐!

⑩ 结婚60周年纪念 蛋糕上写什么好
