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發布時間: 2024-11-11 19:16:19

❶ dream是什麼中文意思

4.In a dream you can be transported back in time. 在夢中,你可以穿越回過去。
5.It's as if I'm living in a hazy dream world. 彷彿我正生活在一個朦朧的夢境之中。
6.Once in your life an idea or a phrase has to have come to you as if in a dream and have immediately taken possession of you. 生命中總會有那麼一次,一個想法或一個詞句彷彿在夢中出現,並立刻占據你的心靈。
7.There was the dream itself, and there was a memory connected with it that had swum into his mind in the few seconds after waking. 夢里是他自己的夢想,醒來後的幾秒鍾內,與之相關的記憶浮現在他的腦海中。
8.At least he's provided you with a Manhattan apartment that looks like an Architectural Digest wet dream. 至少他為你提供了一座如同建築文摘夢想中的曼哈頓公寓。
9.Do not let weak, lazy delay of your feet bound, the dream is always the starting point now. 不要讓軟弱和懶惰束縛你的腳步,夢想始終是現在的起點。

❷ bedream蛋糕什麼檔次
