1. 求初二下冊英語復習提綱
Unit 1 作業1
一、 我愛背單詞(詞彙積累)
二、 短語達人(短語積累)
(less&fewer)1更少的樹_____2更少的車_____3更少的自由(空閑)時間______4更少的污染______5更少的建築物_______6活到250(歲)______7一千年之後(兩種)______8(more&less)多吃大蒜______9少玩電腦游戲(video games)_______10少在太陽下看書(read in the sun)_______11多做家務(the chores) ________(much=a lot) 12更好的多=much better _____13更高的多=much_______14更美麗的多=much_____
三、 寫作素材(為寫作、表達積累的句子)
3我預言(將)會有更多的人口、建築物和樹木。(兩種)(there be將來時)
4明天我們學校將會有家長會(Parents' Meeting)。(兩種)
5明天路上將會有很多雪(lots of snow).(兩種)
B: the life in 100 years? I think it will be very different. For example, everything will be free.
A: 2____________________________?
B: No, kids won't go to school by craft(飛行器).
A: 3____________________________?
B: I predict they will go to school still on the school bus. But it's much faster.
A: 4____________________________?
B: more buildings in the world? No, I don't think so. I predict everyone in the world will live in one super big building!
will&be going to(be doing)
1. Mr. Wang ____(be) 36 years old next year and it ____(be) Monday tomorrow.
2. As for my New Year's Resolution( vacation plan), I ______(swim) with Fan Bingbing.
I 好句子是這樣寫出來的
II 寫作任務(寫在作業本上)
Life in 100 Years
(基本句型:will..., there will be ......)
Dear Mr. Wang,
I want to tell you what life will be like in 100 years. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.That's all i want to say.
Best Wishes
1.less&fewer_____ 2. There will be/ there is going to be______ 3. In +時間段=時間段later______ 4. Do +less/more _______5. a lot +adjer= much adj.er _______
一1robot 2 paper(s)3free4probably
二1.fewer trees 2fewer cars 3 fewer free time 4 less pollution 5 fewer buildings 6 live to be 250 7 in 1000 years 8 1000 years later 9 play video games less 10 read in the sun less 11 do the chores more 12 a lot better 3 a lot taller 14 a lot more beautiful
三I predict that i will be a president. 2. I predict that kids won't go to school. 3. I predict there will be/ there is going to be more people, more buildings and trees. 4. There will be /There is going to be a Parents' Meeting in my school tomorrow. 5. There will be /There is going to be lots of snow on the road tomorrow. 6. What will cities be like in 100 years?
四1. What will life be like in 100 years. 2. Will kids go to school by craft? 3. How will they go to school? 4. Will there only be more buildings?
六1. will be, will be 2. am going to
Unit1 作業2
一、 我愛背單詞(詞彙積累)
1宇航員(星+人)_____2火箭(石頭)_____3太空;空間_____4月亮_____5地球_____6事實上=in fact ______(a picture of sb./sb's) 7一張我的照片(臉)______8一張我的照片(所有)______9一張你的照片(臉)______10一張你的照片(所有)_______
二、 短語達人(短語積累)
三、 對話交際
A: 1__________________________?
B: Yes, it's me. The picture was me 5 years ago.
B: I studied in Henan Experimental High School.
A: That's a great school. 3_________________________?
B: I study in Peiking University now.
A: 4.____________________________________?
B: I predict i will be a teacher in 5 years.
漢譯英 5 我不是開玩笑的(兩種)
四、 透視語法
辨析space,room, rooms
1. I want to fly in the _____ someday. 2. There are 10 ____ on the floor.
II 寫作任務
Me 5 years ago, at present and in 5 years
請從學校、上學方式、愛好、擁有的東西的角度談論下5年前的自己、現在的自己、5年後的自己。(基本句型:will, did, do) (英語學習小組同學必須使用本單元總結知識點)
1 a picture of sb./ sb's _____2. 時態概念的建立:過去、現在、將來_____ 3. Space, rooms, room _______
一1.astronaut 2rocket 3space 4the moon 5 the earth 6actually 7 a photo of me 8 a photo of mine 9 a photo of you 10 a photo of yours
二1.the fights to other planets
三1 Is that a picture of you? 2. Where did you study? 3. Where do you study now? 4 What will you be? 5 i am not kidding= i am serious.
四1. Space 2 rooms
Unit1 作業3
一、 我愛背單詞(詞彙積累)
1fall 2fall in love with 3suit 4 even 5 interview 6 prediction 7 sound 8 company
二、 短語達人(短語積累)
1sleep alone=sleep by myself 2 go to school alone= go to school by myself 3 have/keep/feed a pet parrot 3dress casually 4 dreams come true 5 may/might/could
三、 寫作素材(為寫作、表達積累的句子)
1郭航佐穿了一件紅色的裙子。(a red dress)(兩種說法)
1Guo Hangzuo is wearing/ is dressed in a red dress. 2. Guo Hangzuo puts on a red dress. 3. Guo Hangzuo dress Li Li a red dress. 4. Predicting the future can be difficult. 四、 學會寫作
I 好句子是這樣寫出來的
II 寫作任務
1辨析be wearing;be dressed in; put on; dress sb. 衣服
一、 我愛背單詞(詞彙積累)
1工廠_____4地震(地+震=shake)______5蛇_____6小吃;零食____7電動車_____bike 8電子郵件______mail
二、 短語達人(短語積累)
2科幻電影_______3一個讓人喜歡的(高興的;愉悅的)甄志遠a ______4在未來_____(such&so) 6如此漂亮的女孩子們_______7如此高的男孩子們_______8如此高的一個男孩子(兩種)________9如此貴的一輛車(兩種)_______10人類_______11心形heart_______12你自己的蘭博基尼_______13和人類做同樣的事情________14一次又一次的做簡單的工作_______
三、 寫作素材(為寫作、表達積累的句子)
2 郭航佐似乎很開心(撿錢了嗎?)(兩種表達)(seem用法)
四、 學會寫作
I 好句子是這樣寫出來的
II 寫作任務
一1.factory 4earthquake 5 snake 6 snack 7 electric bike 8 electric mail
二2sicince fiction movie 3 a pleasant Zhen Zhiyuan 4 in the future 6 such beautiful girls 7such tall boys 8 such a tall boy/ so tall a boy 9 so dear a car/ such a dear car 10 humans 11 heart shape 12 your own car 13 do the same things as humans 14 do the simple jobs again and again
三1 I get bored with my wife at my housework. 2. Guo Hangzuo seems happy/ It seems that Guo is happy.
四1 simple 2 hundreads of 3 rating 4 huge 5 Sunzi Strategics
Unit2 作業 1
一、 短語達人(短語積累)
1閑人免進;阻止(入內)_______2把CD機聲音開太大了_______3去睡覺______4給拉登打電話(兩種)______(介詞)5一張演唱會(a concert)的票______6一張NBA(球賽)的票______7在電話里(上)交談_______8嚴重的_______
二、 寫作素材(為寫作、表達積累的句子)
1Love Maimai(愛情買賣)過時了(不款式;風格;樣式)/忐忑很流行.
2我因為拖地和猴哥(Brother Monkey)發生了爭吵(辯論)(兩種)。
三、 對話交際
B: I have some problems. My parents asks me to do a lot more exta(額外)exercises every day.
A: 2_________________________________.(兩種方式題建議).
B: That's a good idea. Thanks for your suggestions.
1.keep out意思______2 ticket搭配介詞______3電話搭配介詞________
一1keep out 2 play the CD too loud 3 go to sleep 4 call./ring Laden up 5 a ticket to a concert 6 a ticket to a NBA game 7 talk on the phone 8 serious
二1 Love Maimai is out of style and Tan Te is in style 2. I have an argument/ argued with Brother Monkey.
三1 What's wrong/ the problem what happened? 2. I think you should/ could ..(開放答案)
Unit2 作業2
一、 我愛背單詞(詞彙積累)
二、 短語達人(短語積累)
1打一份工______2行一次烘烤品特賣會_______3凱撒(Cisa)蛋糕店_____4和林志玲(Chi-ling)相處的很好(三種方式)_______5把5分錢歸還給你______6回到拉薩______7找個家教來他家裡_______(辨析leave;forget)8忘記帶錢包了_______9把錢包忘(拉)家裡了_______10理發_____(the nth adj.est) 11第二重要的______12第三帥的_______
三、 寫作素材(為寫作、表達積累的句子)
2.每個人都活了(lived on)除了霍元甲。
4.我花了5個小時給李立做飯。(spend, take結構)
6.他穿和我一樣的衣服(wears, the clothes)
四、 對話交際
A:Thanks for calling Teen Talk. Let's see what are the listeners' problems.
B: Hi, i am Guo Hangzuo, i am quite upset.
A: 1____________________________________?
B: Oh, my friend, Li li, lways copies me, my haircut, my clothes....
A: Let see if other listeners can help Guo Hangzuo. Here Huang Sen is calling.
C: My advice? 3___________________________________________________.
A: Good idea. I totally agree with you.
五、 學會寫作
I 好句子是這樣寫出來的
1.源頭的;原創的;獨一無二的;封:different______2.理個別致的(獨一無二)的發型(haircut)______3封:unhappy______4.(封:can't;沒有能夠) 我沒有能夠和章子怡結婚(get married to)。(總結:英文喜歡用肯定形式表示否定含義,如hate等)5(封good, great, wonderful)(另外兩種表達方式)______;_______6(封just so-so)將就;還可以;馬馬虎虎;就那樣_______
1.except的用法______2.辨析pay, spend, take______3辨析leave,forget_______4比較句中注意比較的對象________5 should/could情態動詞「損人不利己」6 辨析find, find out
2.tutor 3. Be upset; be stressed out 4 bake; fry; boil 5 fight with/ have a fight with Huang Sen
二1 i love nobody except you. 2. Everyone lived on except Huo Yuanjia. 3. i spend 5 fen on Li Li= i pay 5fen for Li li. 4 i spend 5 hours in cooking for Lily.= It takes me 5 hours to cook for Lily. 5 .Thanks for your suggestions. 6. He wears the same clothes as me. 7. His clothes are the same as mine. 8 i find/find out Lily is a boy.
三1. What's your problem? 2. What're your suggestions? 3. I think he should/ could....(開放式)
四1. Original 2. Have an original haircut 3. Upset 4. I fail to get married to Zhang. 5. Neat, fantastic 6. Okay
Unit2 作業4
一、 我愛背單詞(詞彙積累)
二、 短語達人(短語積累)
1把生日晚會安排到晚上8點(8 o'clock in the evening)=make it at +時間________2想學校抱怨食堂的飯菜(the food in the Dining Hall)__________3強迫(ask,tell)我做家務________4各種各樣的蘿卜(radishes)_______5把我和劉珂做比較_________6有組織的活動_________7匆忙吃完飯________8王氏夫婦;王氏一家_______
三、 寫作素材(為寫作、表達積累的句子)
2 我最喜歡的歌手包括龔麗娜、旭日陽剛。
3 我在學校足夠忙了。
4 我自己奶的孩子(milk the baby)/我自己去的北極(went to Arctic)。
四、 透視語法
1如此的壓力________2如此的水_______3如此的天氣_______4如此的女孩子們_______5如此的男孩子們______6如此的老頭們(old men)______7如此帥的一個男孩子________8如此高的一個女孩子________
五、 學會寫作
I 好句子是這樣寫出來的
1一方面;另外一方面___________=每個硬幣都要兩面(事情都有兩面性)_________2 though作為插入語 (1)盡管如此,我還是很愛你。(2)盡管如此,你還是不愛我。3 v-ed表示「內心感受」(1)疲憊的孩子______(2)饒有興趣的孩子______(3)興奮的孩子______ 4 短語至上勵合 (1)有太多的壓力了_________(2)
II 寫作任務
(基本詞數:60,好學生可適當延長)(基本句型:will, did, do) (英語學習小組同學必須使用本單元總結知識點)
(重要句型 )
1.as adv. as possible _______2.by oneself ________3.such搭配和用法_______4.on the one hand...on the other hand________5.v-ed表示人自身感受____