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蛋糕寄什麼快遞好 2025-01-13 15:34:18
家裡蒸蛋糕的圖片 2025-01-13 15:29:49
如何辨認蛋糕 2025-01-13 15:26:56


發布時間: 2022-08-03 03:11:15

Ⅰ 長發公主開頭講故事的時候的音樂叫什麼

when will my life begin 演唱者就是配音演員 mandy moore

7 AM, the usual morning lineup
Start on the chores and sweep 'til the floor's all clean
Polish and wax, do laundry, and mop and shine up
Sweep again, and by then it's like 7:15

And so I'll read a book
Or maybe two or three
I'll add a few new paintings to my gallery
I'll play guitar and knit And cook and basically
Just wonder when will my life begin?

Then after lunch it's puzzles and darts and baking
Paper mache, a bit of ballet and chess
Pottery and ventriloquy, candle making
Then I'll stretch, maybe sketch, take a climb,Sew a dress!

And I'll reread the books If I have time to spare
I'll paint the walls some more I'm sure there's room somewhere
And then I'll brush and brush and brush and brush my hair
Stuck in the same place I've always been

And I'll keep wanderin' and wanderin' And wanderin' and wonderin'
When will my life begin?

And tomorrow night
Lights will appear
Just like they do on my birthday each year
What is it like Out there where they glow?
Now that I'm older
Mother might just Let me go...

Ⅱ 魔發奇緣《長發公主》所有歌曲的歌詞,最好是中英對照,最好不要lrc。

repunzal ~let down your hair~!

<When will my life begin>
Seven A.M.,the usual morning line-up
Start on the chores,and sweep til the floors all clean
polish and wax, do laundry and mop and shine up
Sweep again
And by then
its, like,seven-fifteen
And so i'll read a book
Or maybe two or three
I'll add a few new paintings
To my gallery
i'll play guitar and knit and cook and basicly
Just wonder , when will my life begin?
Then, after lunch ,its puzzles,and darts and baking..
Papier-mache, a bit of ballet, and chess..
Pottery and ventriloquy, candle-making..
Then i'll stretch
Maybe sketch
Take a climb
Sew a dress
And i'll re-read the books
If i have time to spare
I'll paint the wall some more
I'm sure there's room somewhere
And then i'll brush, and brush
And brush, and brush my hair
Stuck in the same place i've always been
And i'll keep wondring
And wondring
And wondring
And wondring
When will my life begin?
Tomorrow night....
The lights will appear
Just like they do on my birthday each year
What is it like
Out there where they glow?
Now that i'm older
Mother might just let me go ...

<I see the light >
(M)All those days watching from the windows
一直來 只能從窗外遠望
ALL those years outside looking in
一直來 置身事外
All that time never even knowing
Just how blind i've been
Now i'm here, blinking in the starlight
此刻我在這, 閃耀的星光下
Now i'm here ,suddenly i see
此刻我在這, 忽然才看見
Standing here, it's all so clear
I『m where i'm meant to be
And at last i see the light
And it's like the fog has lifted
And at last i see the light
And it's like the sky is new
And it' s warm and real and bright
溫暖 真實 光芒四射
And the world has somehow shitfted
All at once everything looks different
Now that i see you
(J)All those days chasing down a daydream
整日來 追尋不實際的空想
All those years living in a blur
終年來 醉生夢死
All that time never truly seeing
Things , the way they were
Now she's here shining in the starlight
此刻她 閃耀在星光下
Now she's here , suddenly i know
她在這 我恍然明白
If she's here it's crystal clear
I『m where i'm meant to go
And at last i see the light
And it's like the fog is lifted
And at last i see the light
And it's like the sky is new
And it' s warm and real and bright
溫暖 真實 光芒四射
And the world has somehow shitfted
All at once, everything is different
Now that i see you
Now that i see you

repunzal 頭發發光時,唱的歌
Flower gleam and glow
Let your powers shine
Make the clock reverse
Bring back what once was mine
Heal what has been hurt
Change the fates design
Save what has been lost
Bring back what once was mine
What once was mine

I've Got a Dream & Mother Knows Best
兩首 時間關系 打不來
則...v字領 ....

Ⅲ 素描本的人物簡介

人物圖片 人物介紹 梶原空(かじわら そら/Sora Kajiwara)
美術部新部員,無口呆娘。喜歡散步、貓還有寫生。總是帶著素描本在身邊,好像隨時要把映入眼簾的風景畫下來一樣。 有時也會用手勢來表達意思。但是與空閑相處久了?也有會說話的時候。性格是所謂的「天然呆」,平時都是悠閑地獨自行動的人。有時會對曾經嘗試過或常見的事物特別在意,一次又一次地去空想。又驚訝的時候會擺出特別的姿勢,有時還會有脫線的動作出現。喜歡散步,很耐走路。又,亦常在街中察看貓咪和給它們餵食(但是多半是用超過保存期限的食物)。 麻生夏海(あそう なつみ /Natsumi Aso)
長發及肩,綁著左右雙馬尾。1年1組的學生。邀空一起去美術部參觀,並且入了美術部。性格開朗,說博多腔。當有新的話題或想法時,就會拉空或葉月去說過不停。喜歡做某兒童節目中的布偶,有很多這類的布偶。養著一隻名叫「小黑」的狗。表兄上野彩雲是美術部畢業的OB。 鳥飼葉月(とりかい はづき / Hadzuki Torikai )
和空同為美術部一年生。是個心地善良的女孩子。喜歡的東西是百元店、各個季節的代表食物、罕見的乳酪蛋糕以及紅茶。因為生活比較節儉所以買東西的時候會很煩惱。黃色短發,大腦門兒。1年4組的學生,第三位入美術部的一年級生。美術部的前輩多稱呼她「小鳥」,不怎麼多說話。由於學校離老家遠,現一個人住著。因此相當窮命,小小的事都會去想能不能盡量節約、節省。以便服外出時常戴帽子。尤愛戶頭銀行的吉祥物「福田德之助」。 春日野日和(かすがの ひより / Hiyori Kasugano )
年齡不詳。黃色的湯碗頭短發。是美術教師及美術部顧問。喜歡的食物是炭火燒雞。性格開朗又愛說愛笑,但對教育不怎麼熱心。養了一隻叫小P的公雞,而且還帶過去學校。又將電視、冰箱等各種各樣的私物拿進美術准備室。雖然有時會在劇情中駕車出場,如拉起了手煞車來行走等,駕駛技術相當馬虎。偶爾會不顧場合的暴走(喂喂……現在的老師都流行這個么?)。 空閑木陰(くが こかげ / Kokage Kuuga )
長發及肩,後面綁一條馬尾,大額頭。2年10組的學生。被稱呼「空閑っち」。雖然基本上是撲克臉,常常以眼的變化來表現感情之外,被真砂說指不會笑而接受過特訓後,好像變得會笑了。平時很少說話,對人說話時多半是說故弄玄虛的說話。最怕伯勞和心靈現象之類,在說這種話題的人前表情會變怪。養了一隻名叫「湯壺」的貓。 栗原渚(くりはら なぎさ / Nagisa Kurihara)
蓬鬆的短發上常豎著兩條像觸角一樣的頭發。2年6組的學生,樹樹以「栗ちゃん」來稱呼。喜歡大自然,常在山水之間游歷。還有豐富的動植物知識,對記載了實地考察資料圖鑒上的時大概都會了解。但是,以學生來說對實際接觸動植物的經驗有限,也曾在圖鑒里沒記載過的初次遇到的昆蟲前感到困惑。除了大自然之外,亦有豐富的常識。與樹樹關系特別好。即使是女性也付以「XX君」來稱呼對方。偶爾會跟樹樹一起做咖喱。 佐佐木樹樹(ささき じゅじゅ / Juju Sasaki)
曲長發後綁著一條馬尾,細眼。2年6組的學生。常被叫做「ささっさん」。性格健忘,是跟空不同的另一種「天然呆」,但沒什麼這方面的自覺,會嚴肅地露出糊塗的一面。興趣是音樂,擅長彈吉他,尤好小調。與渚關系特別好。最害怕毛蟲。偶爾會跟渚一起煮咖喱(動畫版中設定為不擅長做料理,第6話集訓時與渚一起做當作晚飯的咖喱,但失敗了)。 田邊涼(たなべ りょう / Ryo Tanabe)
啡色的湯碗頭,發尾向左右散開。2年1組的學生。與風的樣子相似,瞳色是茶色。會有單獨登場的時候。空所在美術部的前輩。喜歡微笑。和冰室風合稱「涼風2人組」。兩人經常做著像小說里一樣的行為。 冰室風(ひむろ ふう / Huu Himuro)
紫色長發。2年1組的學生。與涼的樣子相似,瞳色是黑色。最初是用博多腔來說話。跟涼不同的是沒有單獨出場過。空所在美術部的前輩。喜歡微笑。和田邊涼合稱「涼風2人組」。兩人經常做著像小說里一樣的行為。 神谷朝霞(かみや あさか / Asaka Kamiya)
淺粉紅色的發後綁著一束馬尾,有兩至三條向前散出的頭發。2年2組的學生。喜歡做手工,可以用在身邊的任何東西來做些有的沒的。性格開朗,喜歡惡作劇。雖然個子小,但擁有無視部長的膽色。沒有雙親,與哥哥雷火和姊姊雪花三人住在一起。負責購買神谷家晚餐等事務。包括家人在內對何人都慣用敬語。騎自行車上學。 凱特(ケイト / Kate)
金色長直發。1年10組的學生。在空她們入部一段時間後才加入美術部。性格開朗率直,某些時候會露出相當糊塗的一面。雖然是加拿大出身的外國人,但懂一定程度的日文,也有一部份的日文甚至比日本人更了解。因此,在劇中凱特幾乎都在與日文或日本文化有關的情節中登場。養著一隻叫「斑點」的波斯貓。 大庭月夜(おおば つきよ / Tsukiyo Ooba)
蓬亂的黑色短發,劉海長得把眼睛完全遮住。雖然在第3卷的角色介紹是2年9組學生,但在第2卷首次登場的自我介紹中卻說是「2年8組的大庭月夜」[6],星座占卜時又查閱金牛座(4月20日-5月21日),相當多矛盾之處。樹樹以「大庭っち」來稱呼她。雖然是美術部員但幾乎沒參加過活動,因此除了部長、空閑和空之外的部員包括春日野老師在內都不記得她的名字。當劉海有礙時會把瀏海全部梳向後綁起,由於幾乎完全改變了形像而完全使周圍的人不察覺到她的存在,(有時在課外活動以外也會一起行動的)空閑也一點都沒有察覺到。 彌生裕子(やよい ゆうこ)
動畫版的原創角色,在原作亦以路人角色登場。在空她們住的城市中做兼職的大學生。主要是在食店中打工。正式登場是在最終回的最後一個情節中。 根岸水面(ねぎし みなも / Minamo Negishi)
13歲。動畫版的原創角色,大地的妹妹。初中1年級生。常拿著電子照相機四處逛,將平時不經意的風景不斷映下來。性格開朗不怕生,但也有失言而讓人詫異的一面。第1話開始就反復在空面前出現,直到第10話知道真正身份前,片尾的字幕以「謎之少女」來表示。在證實與大地為兄弟前有些不經意的短鏡頭登場,又有些似乎是兄妹對話的通電話劇情,那些劇情似乎都是在埋下伏線。又,身高和外貌看起來都讓人誤以為是小學生。在動畫版完結兩年之後,終於在原作中登場。 神谷雪花(かみや せっか)
20歲。朝霞的姊姊,美術部的OG。性格穩重,能對粗枝大葉的朝霞的行動冷靜地一一吐糟。在神谷家中負責做菜。與柴田和上野是同期畢業生。 柴田真砂(しばた まさご)
短發,20歲。美術部的OG。戴著大大的眼鏡。間或探訪美術部,與空閑木陰關系好。與上野和雪花是同期畢業生。說北九洲一帶的方言。 朝倉素宜(あさくら そよぎ)
24歲。美術部的顧問,美術部後來才加入的第2位美術部顧問。發型是剪齊的短發並呈扇形散開。特技是魔術,腹語術和投擲撲克亦擅長。常打瞌睡,無論在哪裡都能睡著。與涼風搭檔在到作為舞台的學校任教前已經認識,被兩人敬慕為「師傅」。養著一隻名叫咕咕的鳩鴿。動畫版中只在最終回的片尾曲中登場。 小木高嶺(おぎ たかね)
空在班上的朋友。歸宅部。優等生,大胃王。和霧島是春日野老師拉攏入部的對象。 霧島溪(きりしま けい)
空在班上的朋友。歸宅部。學習苦手,擅長音樂。曾向佐佐木請教小調。 男性人物介紹 根岸大地(ねぎし だいち / Daichi Negishi)
2年10組學生。被木陰付以「ちゃん」來稱呼(通常應只對年紀比自己少或親昵的人用)。性格相對爽朗,但是相當小氣易怒。一次又一次地成為木陰和朝霞開玩笑或惡作戲的對象。喜歡怪獸,常想出原創的怪獸。雖然害怕狗,某日在美術部的室外活動時由於被野狗纏著,養了那隻狗並起名叫「犬男」。動畫版中有一位名叫「水面」的,讀中學1年級的妹妹。 須堯雨情(すぎょう うじょう / Ujou Sugyo)
與樹樹一樣是細眼。3年7組的學生。美術部的部長,也是部內唯一有常識的人。多對部員們或先生有個性的言行做反應的一方。不太會笑,但一摸到可愛的貓咪時就會表現出燦爛的微笑。有很廣的知識,有可以跟凱特以英文對話般程度的英語會話能力。 梶原青(かじわら あお / Ao Kajiwara)
13歲。是空的弟弟,與姊姊不同是有一般常識的人,照顧著不可靠的姊姊。興趣是玩電視游戲。 神谷雷火(かみや らいか)
23歲。朝霞的哥哥。雖不屬美術部,也沒有美術相關知識,但有見過春日野老師。性格沉著而悠閑,但與妹妹朝霞一樣,也有天然而健忘的一面。 上野彩雲(うえの さいうん))
20歲。是夏海的表兄,美術部的OB。從留著鬍子和服裝穿著的外表來看,為人有點散漫。與校友柴田是熟人。興趣是釣魚。說北九州一帶的方言。 動物介紹 三毛(ミケ,CV:金田朋子)
雌性的三色貓。野貓,叫聲微弱。眼神兇狠,操蹤著附近的野貓們。貓與貓之間對話時說日本貓語(貓語言中的日本語)的博多腔。懂得咬著麥克筆來寫平假名和漢字。動畫版中偶然會在學校出現。 小哈(ハー,CV:伊藤靜)
雌性的虎皮貓。深色眼睛。雖然怕高但最近克服了。貓之間說話時會說付以「にゃ」語尾的日本貓語(為了容易點從人類處得到食物而這樣說的)和外國貓語(貓語言中的英語),可以跟斑點以外國貓語溝通地精通雙語。與三毛相比顯得舉止冷靜。 斑點(ぶち,CV:齊木美帆)
凱特飼養的貓,雄性的波斯貓。貓之間對話時說外國貓語(貓語言中的英語)。經常迷路,正找尋前往金田町(注意日語中「金田」與「加拿大」發音相近,而主人凱特又剛好來自加拿大)的路中。 阿熊(クマ,CV:中田讓治)
雄性。品種不明說不定是雜種。由於頭大五官又集中在中間,雖然外貌非常突出但也只不過是貓(由於毛非常長所以看起來頭很大)。萬事通而又自大。與體型不符地身體比三毛還輕快。貓之間以日本貓語來說話。懂得咬著麥克筆來寫平假名和漢字。憧憬著被人著收養,說是「想戴上時髦的項圈」,終於第4卷中被朝霞拾到,成為神谷家的家貓。 小灰(グレ,CV:大原沙耶香)
雄性的虎皮貓。雖然是野貓,但也有戴上過項圈的時候。會靠近人類,但不算經常。由於還幼比其他貓來說身體有點小。貓之間對話時只會說「にゃあ」,雖然會寫字但也是只會寫「にゃあ」。 小P(ピーちゃん,聲:齋藤桃子)
春日野老師飼養的公雞。有時會被老師帶去學校。由於小雞時會P、P地叫,因而得名。當春日野老師說「要不要吃雞呢」或者「想吃雞」等微妙的話時,會有立即離開現場又或者會瞬間疆硬化的舉止出現。 湯壺(ユタンポ)
木陰飼養的貓,很體貼主人。在登場的貓中是少數沒以真實的貓作為模特的。 小黑(クロ,聲:下野紘)
夏海養的狗。無論做什麼很快就會厭。性格懶惰,但一去散步就會定不下來,冒失成性。 犬男(いぬお),聲:能登麻美子)
大地養的狗。口成三角形狀,叫聲是「わふ」。本來是野狗,一次美術部的郊外活動在行山時纏著大地,就這樣把它養了。性格溫馴,看不出表情來。 咕咕(クルル)
朝倉老師飼養的白鴿。她多作變魔術用的。與主人相似,愛打瞌睡。 拉拉(ララ)
栗原渚的寵物鼠。在COMIC BLADE 2003年2月號中的扉頁畫登場時只有名字和模樣,正式在本編初次登場是在2007年10月號。 小白(シロ)
不知性別的白貓。野貓,很愛黏人,由於常貼近腳邊,常被人踩到。 夏米(シャム)

Ⅳ 我要找既有漢語翻譯成英語的一段關於時間的文章!大家幫幫忙啦!



























I am collecting a button, the sky blue, round.Sometimes sits in front of the window, places the blue knot the palm, looks at carefully under the bright moonlight clear splendor, the blue knot is exuding the smooth moving gloss, if a crystal clear blue color illusion.
In the illusion, was that section has elapsed many year youth story.
That year I have passed an examination in the town junior middle school, saw many new faces.I was being very fond of the drawing at that time, then used the broken writing skill to spread one by one these faces wipes to my rough drawing paper on.Now looked like that, was naturally draws grotesquely, dirty, but actually has won schoolmates at that time many cheers.How because I slightly have understood the prominent characteristic at that time, thus often had some 「the vivid touch」.For instance draws the big like chimney, schoolmates the nose knew is high nose Tang Guangning, draws the mouth the extravagant like wash bowl, without doubt was big mouth Sun Xiaoquan.I must complete one nearly every day 「the masterpiece」, buys the lunch while everybody time, sticks with the saliva behind the classroom on the wall, everybody returned to the classroom then to have the very good laughingstock.If the picture is he, that naturally then yellow face, teased in the sound in others to pull down rips a smashing.Therefore some several female students several days all are contort one's face in agony to me oppose nonchalantly.Is good considers in and nobody to the teacher in charge there, because my test result always all was at that time first, the teacher in charge relates quite well with me, in the hinderland is called me to call him eldest brother, although he had five several.
How long, in the class hadn't 60 people almost all declared a position in mine picture, finally is then left over Bai Zihui.Bai Zihui is a gentle girl, often puts on an old-style pale blue broken flowers shirt, the sleeve cuff also has two patches.
She is lets my awkward girl.That fair small face really was beautiful extremely, I turned head the capture 「the characteristic」 time, often crazily crazily looked stayed.I spent entire morning to draw her head picture, but I really caught do not make the place to the least bit which one laughed.Finally I used the red ink to dye the red her small mouth, the red ink seeped out outside the lip, 「she」 then looked like just drank the blood to resemble, fierce and terror.
Has the lunch time, everybody is naturally makes smiles, pats my flattering greatly.Then Bai Zihui calmly sits, is reading the Song jambic verse.
If others, can certainly paint a portrait pulls down, but Bai Zihui does not have.Attended class the bell sound, teacher's sound of footsteps has been near, Bai Zihui still calmly sat in there.I hurried have run, laughed in the sound in the people to tear off it.This is I first time takes the consequences for own actions in an extremely difficult situation.Turns head to look when Bai Zihui, her hair oil brush small mouth is smiling secretly.
That day got down late has studied by oneself, I was also attacking together the mathematics problems.High nose Tang Guangning started to turn others drawer by now.Crossed a while, he shouts me: Is quick takes a look, Bai Zihui has drawn your elephant.I run curiously, really saw Bai Zihui in the drawer has a thick rough sketch, has drawn the scenery flower-and-bird, but also has in class's many girl, but the boy has only drawn my one, moreover has also written a poem, only was the poem sixth line has lacked the first character: 「When Wei wasn't the maple leaf/red having the word until now otherwise/green hill white clouds low spot/who/unforgettablily/□ not once to follow the current/you to be possible extremely/to rustling in the branch worries.」I read find the clue make it out do not know the brain, Tang Guang rather actually has called: 「Lacks that character is certainly `loves', you get up each line of first string, who is `Wei dark purple most loves your', ha ha, in white child loving kindness you!」I said do not talk nonsense do not talk nonsense, in the heart actually has one kind of sweet feeling.Tang Guangning emits one suddenly: 「If lacks that character is `hates'?」My smiling face stiffened for a while.
I can not but acknowledge that, her picture were more than me.She as if in accidentally beautified each person many, causes one all to look all is that good and friendly.But I always intend to smear actually others.Tang Guang rather comforts me: Bai Zihui draws such you leads, that character which lacks is 「the love」 the possibility is bigger.
When second day, I and Bai Zihui share a table, I then very earnestly study the drawing with her.
Once school holds the drawing big game, she as if not too cared about, I have handed over secretly hers picture together with mine several works, has not thought of her first award, but I failed to be elected unexpectedly.
The school prize for her a paint brush and a box of traditional Chinese painting pigment, she has given me actually, said: I later feared could not again paint pictures.I do not understand what is heard, accepted bewilderedly.
I discovered graally I buy when the lunch Bai Zihui has not always left the classroom, when I bought the food returned to the classroom her to hold cylinder boiled and cooled water in to drink slowly actually.Afterwards, I suspected she has not always had the lunch, asks her, she said actually has eaten early.Some several days are not hot, I see on her fair face to infiltrate actually perspire, attends class in the afternoon when then lethargic sleep on school desk, a listless appearance.Teacher asked some very simple question, she also often replied leaves things behind.Afterwards, I have then bought a lunch, places on her table.She firm is not willing to eat, I then said eats trades her rough sketch.She then eats the lunch, for me two rough sketches.How long like this didn't have, that rough sketch nearly completely has then admitted my drawer, only then was drawing my head picture that rough sketch, she was also preserving.
That day back row Tang Guang Ning is attracting the ink, I fiercely have depended on not carefully, that ink bottle then piled from the book on gets down but actually, has splashed Bai Zihui a body.I indicated immediately said must buy one newly to compensate her.She said did not need not to need, afterwards then to put on body older clothes.That is certainly her elder sister passed through.
At that time on street popular red skirt.I thought that, Bai Zihui puts on the red skirt to be certainly more attractive.
I plan the money secretly, has sold the new sandals first, afterwards the half price has processed the New China dictionary.
The 14th birthday that day I have not disclosed, because I feared spends the half minute money.But evening time, is friends with schoolmate brought the gift to come to see me.I indicated immediately said must buy one newly to compensate her.She said did not need not to need, afterwards then to put on body older clothes.That is certainly her elder sister passed through.
In the small dormitory is filling the air the cake delicate fragrance, red candle sparkling red many naive faces ......I turn on the tape recorder, everybody then raised a clamor in the popular song opens noisily.
By now, I suddenly discovered Bai Zihui smiles is standing in the entrance, I have welcomed immediately.She lowered the head slowly, the effort has torn off center a her coat blue knot, gives me, said gently: Wishes your birthday to be joyful! I put out a hand meets the knot time, takes advantage of opportunity grips her hand, that hand is how exquisite smooth, but also in shivers slightly! The bright moonlight clear splendor outlines she sharp gently beautiful curve.Her face, in the red candlelight, appears unusually tender and beautiful moving.I calmly look at her, she also calmly looks at me.
She lowered the head slowly, the effort has torn off center a her coat blue knot, that time, I have as if heard one kind of growth sound, 14 years old, my 14 years old! Male schoolmate greatly is also snatching the cake, only then Tang Guang has rather turned head to look at our one secretly ......
Next day, I discovered on my school desk is placing already the New China dictionary and that double new sandals which sells.Tang Guang rather said is Bai Zihui helps me to redeem.
But Bai Zihui one all day has not come to attend class actually.I have one premonition: Bai Zihui possibly needed to leave school.
I use the economical money as well as the partial birthday gift, again adds on half wicker basket word of praise, only then receives in exchange a red skirt from the clothing store.
Bai Zihui last time came the school.She has all given all books periphery schoolmate.Gives me many, including that Song jambic verse.She only carried off that to draw my rough sketch.
She goes out the school gate time, I have pursued, filled hardly that red skirt for her.

Ⅳ 誰能幫我用英文翻譯下文

Gaffey father of Jim Davies about adds the non-cat original man Jim Davies, adds the non-cat myself appraisal to be most penetrating: 「who? Oh. That picture cartoon. He is a good person, but we said that old truth - he is only is benefitted from association with I.」 on June 19, 1978, the Gaffey cat first time appeared in the American newspaper. From now, this day has become the Gaffey cat's birthday. Every year's this time, Gaffey cat's daddy can use one week-long time to discuss its birthday, finally ends by its birthday celebration. The Gaffey cat is the out-and-out meeting animal, therefore its birthday always fat satisfactory western-style food. Many birthdays let the human be unforgetable, its fourth birthday is for example warm--Perhaps is because that one time has not blown out the candle it already to swallow the cake. in addition, Jim Davies also will specially make a birthday cartoon for him. The Gaffey cat in 20 year-old birthday cartoon said that he must start to conceal his age, but this does not hinder him to hope the 23rd birthday the arrival. father of the Gaffey: After saying Gaffey cat's birth 「the mosquito Sublattice Noam " had finished, I continue to pursue one interesting to have the general attraction role. I must use an animal to work as lead. Then I thought that in the cartoon dog are many: Shi Nubi (Snoopy), Mama Du Ke (Marmake), Palestinian lucky hunting dog Ruide (Fred Basset), but very little has the cartoon take the cat as a lead. I move the stroke immediately, comes out orange big cat which a temperament is especially bad, resents the world and detests mundane affairs. I need a name, therefore thinks of me grandfather Zhan Mushi. Gaffey. Davies, a temperament is especially bad the giant who, resents the world and detests mundane affairs. This name matches my this role the disposition and the build, may say that is a good combination. Therefore the Gaffey cat was born in light of this. On the early Gaffey cat body does not have the stripe, but already sufficed difficultly to serve. I spent one-and-a-half year time to design this series cartoon, pondered over repeatedly to the role, adjusts the humorous criterion, all were ready finally. I have packed pile of cartoon type, sends for several news agencies, then with single-hearted devotion prayed that the good luck arrives. Jin society (King Features) likes this cartoon very much, but will draw finally back the manuscript (I to need five editors to adopt unanimously will be incorporated only then, but only then three editors cast affirmative vote), in Chicago Tribune (Chicago Tribune) with New York newspaper (New York News) announced the defeat diligently. However I am not depressed. I knew that I found a good drop, the success had already been in sight. Then I (United Features) contact with the Associated Press. Thought that is the destiny. The Associated Press attains the my first batch of draft, the request reads more works. My morale inspires greatly, catches up with immediately draws the second batch. on January 24, 1978, my receive phone calls: The Associated Press has accepted the Gaffey cat! the cartoon progress is smooth. I thought the Gaffey cat can strike root in the hearts of the people a big factor lies in him to be amiable. I enable each readers easily desirably to understand. I do big " smiles the spot " the coverage as far as possible, enables all people to realize humorous is. Majority " smiles the spot " and eats and rests concerns. I also avoid criticizing the society and politics. Everybody loves the Gaffey cat is because he says the words with the matter which did they also want saying that also wanted to do actually cannot accomplish. Everybody may approve him, the Gaffey cat also reces our feeling of guilty. We live, in person of is done eats a piece to explode the potato to have in the feeling of guilty world; The Gaffey cat guards us not only to eat one piece to explode the potato, moreover is an entire package explodes the potato (dip sauce in addition) the right! He certainly is a gluttonous ghost, but must some people bravely step forward, guards the corrupt good good food the right. The Gaffey cat bravely steps forward, to rece everybody's feeling of guilty. In some sense, he is also the public servant. No matter because of any reason, more and more readers has discovered this only energetic greatly fat cat. in 1980, we mounted surpass 100 newspapers the page layouts. I discuss the detail which in front of with the news agency publishes book(s), must ordinary and Sunday's cartoon coagulation publication. the publishing circles all are called as today the Gaffey cat this kind of arrangement's book " the Gaffey cat version ". After the Gaffey cat first volume of publication, make the promoted travel I to 20 cities. When the travel just started, orders Gaffey the cat to inundate the rough sketch the newspaper office to increase by each month seven speeds. The journey two months, the order cartoon special report's newspaper office had increased by the daily speed. Without a doubt, this book has accelerated the Gaffey cat's success.

Ⅵ 09初中英語考綱單詞


A a
a (an) art. 一(個、件……)
a bit (of) 有一點,一會兒
a few 有些,幾個
a kind of 一種
a little 有點兒,一點兒
a lot (of) 許多,大量
a number of 一些,許多
a pair / piece / set of 一雙 / 張 (塊,根,片,只)/ 套 (副)
ability n. 能力,才能
able a. 能夠,有能力的
about ad. 大約,到處,四處 prep. 關於,在各處,四處
above prep. 在……上面 a.上面的ad. 在之上
abroad ad. 到(在)國外
absent a. 缺席, 不在
accent n. 口音,音調
accept v. 接受
accident n. 事故,意外的事
according to 根據……, 按照
ache vi.& n. 痛,疼痛
achieve vt. 完成, 達到
across prep. 橫過,穿過
act n. 法令,條例 v. (戲)表演,扮演(角色),演出(戲);行動,做事
action n. 行動
active ad . 積極的,主動的
activity n. 活動
ad (縮) = advertisement n.廣告
add v.添加,增加
add up to 合計達……
address n. 地址
advantage n. 優點, 好處
advice n. 忠告,勸告,建議
advise vt. 忠告,勸告,建議
aeroplane = airplane = plane n. 飛機
afford vt. 負擔得起(……的費用);抽得出(時間);提供
afraid a. 害怕的,擔心
after ad. 在後,後來prep. 在……之後,在……後面 conj. 在……以後
after all 畢竟
afternoon n. 下午,午後
again ad. 再一次,再,又
against prep. 對著,反對
age n. 年齡;時代
ago ad. 以前
agree v. 同意;應允
agree with 同意
agreement n. 同意,一致;協定,協議
ahead ad. 在前, 向前, 提前
ahead of time 提早
aim v.瞄準, 打算 n. 目的;打算
aim at 瞄準,針對
air n. 空氣,大氣
airline n. 航空公司, 航空系統
airport n. 航空站,飛機場
alive a. 活著的,存在的
all ad. 全部地a. 全(部),所有的,總,整 pron. 全部,全體人員
all kinds of 各種各樣的
all over 遍及
all right 行了,好吧,(病)好了
allow v. 允許,准許
almost ad. 幾乎,差不多
alone a. 單獨的,孤獨的
along ad. 向前;和……一起,一同 prep. 沿著;順著
aloud ad. 出聲地;高聲地
already ad. 已經
also ad. 也
although conj. 雖然,盡管
always ad. 總是;一直;永遠
America n. 美國;美洲
American a. 美國的;美國人的 n. 美國人
among prep. 在……中間;在(三個以上)之間
ancient a. 古代的,古老的
and conj. 和;又;而
and so on 等等
angry a. 生氣的,憤怒的
animal n. 動物
another a. 再一,另一;別的,不同的 pron. 另一個
answer n. 回答,答復;回信; 答案 v. 回答,答復;回信;(作出)答案
ant n. 螞蟻
any pron. (無論)哪一個;哪些 任何的;(用於疑問句、否定句)一些;什麼
anybody pron. 任何人,無論誰
anyone pron. 任何人,無論誰
anything pron. 什麼事(物);任何事(物)
anyway ad. 不管怎樣
anywhere ad. 任何地方
appear v. 出現,露面; (公開)演出
apple n. 蘋果
April n. 4月
area n. 面積;地域,地方,區域;范圍,領域
arm n. 臂, 支架
army n. 軍隊
around ad. 在周圍;在附近 prep. 在……周圍;大約
arrive vi. 到達;達到
arrive at / in 到達
art n. 藝術,美術;技藝
article n. 文章;東西,物品;冠詞
as ad.& conj.� 像……一樣,如同;因為 prep. 作為,當作
as a result (作為)結果
as ... as 像,如同
as for 至於
as long as 只要
as soon as 一……就
as usual 和往常一樣
as well as 也;還;而且
Asia n. 亞洲
Asian a. 亞洲的;亞洲人的 n. 亞洲人
ask v. 問,詢問;請求,要求;邀請
ask for 請求
asleep a. 睡著的,熟睡
at prep. 在(幾點鍾);在(某處)
at first首先
at home 在家
at last 最後
at least 至少
at most 最多
at noon /night 在正午/在晚上
at the age of 在......歲的時候
Atlantic n. 大西洋 a. 大西洋的
attention n. 注意;關心, 關注; 注意力; (口令)立正!
August n. 8月
aunt n. 伯母;舅母;嬸;姑;姨
Australia n. 澳洲;澳大利亞
Australian a. 澳洲的;澳大利亞人的 n. 澳大利亞人
autumn n. 秋天,秋季
available a. 可利用的
avoid v. 避免, 消除
awake (awoke, awoken) v. 喚醒 醒著 a. 醒著的
away ad. 離開;遠離

B b
baby n. 嬰兒
back ad. 回(原處);向後a. 後面的n. 背後,後部;背
background n. 背景
bad (worse, worst) a. 壞的;有害的,不利的;嚴重的
bag n. 書包;提包;袋子
ball n. 球
balloon n.氣球
banana n. 香蕉
bank n. (河、海、湖的)岸,堤 ;銀行
baseball n. 棒球
basic a. 基本的
basket n. 籃子
basketball n. 籃球
bathroom n. 浴室
be v. 是(原形),其人稱和時態形式有am, is, are, was, were, being, been
be able to 能夠......;得以……
be afraid of害怕……
be amazed at 驚異於
be angry with 對......生氣
be ashamed of 因……而感到慚愧
be born 出生;出世
be busy with 忙於……
be careful with小心;當心
be famous for 因…著名
be fit for 適合…
be friendly to 對……友好
be fond of 喜愛
be full of 充滿
be good at 擅長;在……方面做得好
be good for對……有益處
be interested in 對……感興趣
be late for 遲到
be mad at 生氣
be made from 由……製成.由……構成
be proud of 為……感到驕傲、自豪
be strict with 對……要求嚴格
be supposed to 被期望或被要求……
be surprised at 驚奇
beach n. 海濱,海灘
bear n.熊
beat (beat, beaten) v. 敲打;跳動;打贏 n. (音樂)節拍
beautiful a. 美的,美麗的,美觀的
because conj. 因為
because of 因為
become (became, become) v. 變得;成為
bed n. 床
bedroom n. 寢室,卧室
bee n.. 蜜蜂
beef n. 牛肉
before prep. 在……以前;在……前面 ad. 以前 conj. 在……之前 �
begin (began, begun)� v. 開始,著手
begin with 以……開始
behaviour n. 行為, 舉止
behind prep. (表示位置)在……後面 ad. 在後面;向後
believe v. 相信,認為
bell n. 鍾,鈴;鍾(鈴)聲;鍾形物
belong vi. 屬於
belong to 屬於
below prep. 在……下面
beside prep. 在……旁邊;靠近
besides prep. 除……以外(還有) ad. 還有,此外
between prep. 在(兩者)之間;在……中間
beyond prep. 在(到)...較遠的一邊, 超過, 那一邊 ad.在遠處n.遠處
big a. 大的
bike = bicycle n. 自行車
bill n. 帳單; 鈔票; 票據, 清單
biology n. 生物(學)
bird n. 鳥
birth n. 出生, 誕生
birthday n. 生日
biscuit n. 餅干
bit n. 一點,一些,少量的
bitter a. 苦的; 痛苦的; 懷恨的
black n. 黑色 a. 黑色的
blackboard n. 黑板
blind a. 瞎的
blood n. 血,血液
blow (blew, blown) v. 吹;刮風;吹氣
blue n. 藍色 a. 藍色的
board n 木板;布告牌
boat n. 小船,小舟
body n. 身體
book n. 書;本子 v. 預定,定(房間、車票等)
boring a. 乏味的,無聊的
born ( bear的過去分詞之一 ) a. 出生
borrow v. (向別人)借用;借
borrow… from 向……借……
boss n. 領班;老闆
both a. 兩;雙 pron. 兩者;雙方
both…and 兩者都,既……又……
bottle n. 瓶子
bottom n. 底, 底部; 盡頭, 末端 a. 底部的
bowl n. 碗
box n. 盒子,箱子
boy n. 男孩
brain n. 腦(子)
brave a. 勇敢的
bread n. 麵包
break (broke, broken) v. 打破(斷,碎);損壞,撕開 n. 間隙
break down 損壞; 壞掉
break out (戰爭、火災等)突然發生,爆發
breakfast n. 早餐
breath n. 呼吸
breathe v. 呼吸
bridge n. 橋
bright a. 明亮的;聰明的
bring (brought, brought) vt. 拿來,帶來,取來
bring in 引來,引進,吸收
bring up 教育,培養
brother n. 兄;弟
brown n. 褐色,棕色 a. 褐色的,棕色的
brush n.刷子, 毛刷; 畫筆 v. 刷, 撣, 拂
build (built, built) v. 建築, 造
building n. 建築物;房屋;大樓
burn (-ed, -ed 或burnt, burnt) v. 燃,燒;使燒焦;使曬黑
bus n. 公共汽車
business n. (本分)工作,職業;職責;生意,交易;事業
busy a. 忙(碌)的
but conj. 但是,可是 prep. 除了,除……外
butter n.黃油, 牛油
butterfly n. 蝴蝶
buy (bought, bought)� vt. 買
by prep. 靠近,在……旁;在……時間;不遲於;被;用;由;乘(車)
by accident / chance偶然; 意外 / 偶然
by air / bus / train / ship乘坐飛機/公共汽車/火車/輪船
by mistake 錯誤地
by the way 順便;附帶說說

C c
cabbage n. 捲心菜
cake n. 蛋糕,糕點;餅
call n. 喊,叫;電話,通話 v. 稱呼;呼喚;喊,叫
call on 拜訪
call up 打電話給……,打電話
calm a. 鎮靜的; 沉著的 v. 鎮靜; 沉著
camel n. 駱駝
camera n. 照相機;攝像機
camp n.(夏令)營 v. 野營; 宿營
can (could, can』t = can not) modal v. 可能;能夠;可以n. 罐頭;罐子;垃圾桶;開罐器
can』t helping doing禁不住做某事;忍不住去做某事
Canada n. 加拿大
cancel vt. 取消
cancer n. 癌; 毒瘤
candle n. 蠟燭
candy n. 糖果
cap n. 帽子;蓋;筆套
capital n. 首都,省會;大寫
captain n. (海軍)上校;船長,艦長;隊長 ;球隊(的)主將
car n. 汽車,小卧車
card n. 卡片;名片;紙牌
care n. 照料,保護;小心v. 介意……,在乎;關心
care for / about 喜歡,照顧(病人)/ 喜歡
careful a. 小心的,仔細的,謹慎的
careless a. 粗心的, 漫不經心的
carry vt. 拿,搬,帶,提,抬,背,抱,運等
cat n. 貓
catch (caught, caught)� v. 接住;捉住;趕上;染上(疾病)
catch up with 趕上;追上
cause n. 原因,起因;因其 vt.使發生,促使
CD n. 光碟(compact disk的縮寫)
CD-ROM n. 信息儲存光碟( compact disk read-only memory的縮寫)
ceiling n. 天花板、頂棚
celebrate v. 慶祝
cent n. 美分(100 cents = 1 dollar)
centre (美 center ) n. 中心,中央
century n. 世紀,百年
certain a. (未指明真實名稱的)某……; 確定的, 無疑的; 一定會……
chair n. 椅子
chairman (chairwoman) n. 主席
chalk n. 粉筆
chance n. 機會,可能性
change v. 改變,變化;更換;兌換 n.零錢;找頭
change into 轉換成,把......變成
chant n.單調的歌曲 v.有節奏地唱(或說),一再地唱(或說)
cheap a. 便宜的,低價的
cheat v. 騙取,哄騙; 作弊
check n. 檢查;批改 vt. 校對,核對; 檢查;批改
check in / out 報到,登記 /結帳,查明
cheer n.愉快, 歡呼 vi.快活; 歡呼
cheer up 使振奮;使高興起來
cheese n. 乳酪
chemistry n. 化學
chess n. 棋
chest n. 箱子; 盒子; 胸部
chicken n. 雞;雞肉
child (pl. children) n. 孩子,兒童
China n. 中國
Chinese a. 中國的;中國人的;中國話的,漢語的n. 中國人;中國話,漢語,中文
chocolate n. 巧克力
choice n. 選擇; 快擇
choose (chose, chosen) vt. 選擇
chopsticks n. 筷子
Christmas n. 聖誕節(12月25日)
Christmas Eve聖誕(前)夜
church n. 教堂;教會
cinema n. 電影院;電影
circle n. 圓圈 v. 將……圈起來
city n. 市,城市,都市
clap vi.& n. 拍手; 鼓掌
class n. (學校里的)班;年級;課
classmate n. 同班同學
classroom n. 教室
clean vt. 弄乾凈,擦乾凈 a. 清潔的,干凈的
clear a. 清晰的;明亮的;清楚的
clever a. 聰明的,伶俐的
climb v. 爬,攀登
clock n. 鍾
clone v. 克隆
close a. 親密的;近,靠近 ad. 近,靠近 vt. 關,關閉
close to 靠近
clothes n. 衣服;各種衣物
cloud n. 雲;雲狀物;陰影
cloudy a. 雲的,陰天的
club n. 俱樂部;紙牌中的梅花
coach n. 教練; 馬車; 長途車
coal n. 煤;煤塊
coast n. 海岸;海濱
coat n. 外套;塗層
coffee n. 咖啡
coin n. 硬幣
coke n. 可口可樂
cold a. 冷的,寒的 n. 寒冷;感冒,傷風
collect vt. 收集,搜集
college n. 學院;專科學校
colour (美color) n. 顏色 v. 給……著色,塗色
come (came, come) v. 來,來到
come from 來自
come on 加油;快點
come true 實現 ; 達到
come up with 提出;想出
comfortable a. 舒服的;安逸的;舒服自在的
common a. 普通的,一般的;公有的 ;公共的
communicate v. 交際;傳達(感情,信息等)
communication n. 交際;交往;通訊
company n. 公司 ;夥伴
compare vt. 比較,對照
compare with / to 與……相比/把……比作
competition n. 比賽,競賽
complain v. 抱怨;控訴
complain about 抱怨
complete a. 全部的, 完全的;完成的 v. 完成,結束
composition n. 作文; 作曲
computer n. 電子計算機
concentrate v. 集中(注意力、思想等)
concentrate on集中在,專心於
concert n. 音樂會;演奏會
condition n. 條件; 狀況
conference n. (正式的)會議;討論會
connect vt. 連接; 關聯
connect to / with 連接,與……相連
consider vt. 考慮;細想
continue vi. 繼續
control vi.& n. 控制
conversation n. 談話,交談
cook n. 炊事員,廚師 v. 烹調,做飯
cooker n. 炊具(鍋、爐灶、烤爐等)
cool a. 涼的,涼爽的
n. 抄本,副本;一本(份,冊……) v. 抄寫;復印;(計算機用語)拷(備 份盤)
corner n. 角;角落;拐角
correct v. 改正;糾正 a. 正確的,對的;恰當的
cost (cost, cost) v. 值(多少錢),花費(金錢,時間)
cotton n. 棉花 a. 棉花的
cough n.& v. 咳嗽
count v. 數,點數 n. 球場
country n. 國家;農村,鄉下
countryside n. 鄉下,農村
couple n. 夫婦, 一對
courage n. 勇氣; 膽略
course n. 過程; 經過; 課程
cousin n. 堂(表)兄弟;堂(表)姐妹
cover n. & v. 蓋子,罩;覆蓋,掩蓋
cow n.. 母牛;奶牛
crayon n. 蠟筆; 蠟筆畫
crazy a. 瘋狂的
create vt. 創造; 造成
cross n. 十字形的東西 vt. 越過;穿過
cruel a. 殘忍的,殘酷的;無情的
cry n. 叫喊;哭聲 v. 喊叫;哭
culture n. 文化
cup n. 杯子 ;一杯的容量
cut (cut, cut) v. & n. 切,剪,削,割;傷口
cut in 插入


Ⅶ 給我幾張重點初中的升初試卷


zīxún jué xǐng cán kuì zhān yǎng róu nèn
( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
波濤(pō bō) 供(gòng gōng)不應求、
看守(kān kàn) 猜度(dù ó)
1.「詹」字用音序查字法先查大寫字母( ),再查音節( )。
2.「釋」字用部首查字法應先查部首( ),再查( )畫,第8畫名稱是( )
好意難確( ) 調兵遺將( )盛氣凜人( ) 高瞻遠主( )
指望 渴望 期望 希望
1.凡卡( )回到爺爺那兒去,因此給爺爺寫信,在信中,他哭訴:「我的生活沒有( )了。」寫完信後,他滿懷( )去寄信。
即使……也 盡管……還是…… 雖然……但是……
2.( )自己生活艱苦,桑娜( )把鄰居西蒙的兩個孩子抱回家來撫養。
雷鋒叔叔為了別人,為了集體而放棄個人利益的精神,深深地感動了我,教育了我。( )
( )確定中心,選好材料
( )列作文提綱
( )審清題意,明確要求
( )草稿寫好後,要認真修改
1 春節前的一個早晨,我提著裝滿書冊的書包,沉甸甸(diān diàn)的,剛走到車站旁,一輛(藍,籃)色的漂亮的公共汽車到站停住。我跨上車,只覺得後面有人把我的包(托,拖)了一下,回頭看時,是個十三四歲的小姑娘。我謝謝她,她笑笑,沒應聲。快到下一個停車站時,卻聽得她響亮地報著站名,還請要下車的乘客提早准備,注意隨身攜帶的東西。我懷疑了,就問她「你是售票員嗎?」
2 她一搖頭。輕聲回答:「不,我是一○八中學的學生。」
3 我更懷疑了,眼睛直直地(釘,盯)著她……
4 旁邊坐著個(戴,帶)眼鏡的教師,他似乎了解的,用表揚的口吻說:「三好學生嘛!春節期間公共汽車乘客擁擠,售票員忙不過來,他們自己組織分批輪班上各條路線去服務。」說完又補充一句。「咳,怎不叫人看了心裡甜?」
5 我要下車了,姑娘不由分說替我提了包,自己先跳下去,把包遞給了我,隨後幫著售票員(撿,檢)票,幫著懷抱嬰兒的母親下車,又幫著老大爺帶著小孫子上車,等到乘客全部上車完畢,她最後一個又上了車……
6 我看在眼裡,喜上心頭。「好呀!春節期間義務勞動。」
7 我轉(zhuǎn zhuàn)身進了胡同。沒走多遠,便望見一群活潑可愛的少年兒童,挽著袖子,卷著褲腿,興高采烈地在大掃除。他們把200米長的胡同打掃得一干二凈,胡同面貌煥然一新。幾個年齡較大的,還在給軍屬、烈屬家掃院子,擦門窗,洗刷牆壁,運垃圾……幹得干凈利落。我望著他們笑。他們(察,擦)著流汗的臉,也笑了。我幾乎要大喊出來了:「好呀!春節期間義務勞動。」
8 我穿出胡同,又遇到二三十個生氣勃勃的孩子,排著整齊的隊伍,舉著小旗,站在街頭宣傳「講文明,講衛生」。他們用揚聲筒起勁地說著、唱著。我不由自主地停住腳步,凝神地望著他們,直到耳邊響起報時的鍾聲,才快步向前走去。走了不遠回頭望了他們一眼,只見在陽光照耀下的這支小分隊正在熱烈地揮動彩旗,響亮地呼著口號,還唱著「講衛生,最光榮」的歌。這時,我覺得手中那隻沉甸甸的包一點兒也不沉了,我用力地點了點頭,「好呀!春節期間義務勞動!」
這篇文章記敘了春節前的一個早晨,作者親眼看到的幾個中小學生( )的事,表現了新中國少年兒童( )的優秀品質。
三、1.Z、zhān; 2.采、5、橫撇; 3.①;②
五、1.渴望;指望;希望; 2.盡管……還是……

1. she _______ (賓格) 2. country _________ (復數)
3. close ________ (現在分詞) 4. three __________ (序數詞)
5. China ________ (形容詞) 6. I _________ (名詞性物主代詞)
7. boy _______(復數) 8. swim _______ (現在分詞)
9. photo _______ (復數) 10. mouse ________ (復數)
( ) 1. Look! Lucy is ______ a new red dress. She is beautiful today.
A. with B. put on C. in D. wear
( ) 2. -- __________?
-- My bike is broken.
A. What is it B. What is wrong with you
C. Where is it D. Whose is this
( ) 3. There are so many people in the shop. You must ________ your things.
A. look at B. look after C. put away D. put on
( ) 4. I have two good pen friends. One is an American, ______ is in England.
A. the other B. another one C. another D. other
( ) 5. -- _______ are his football clothes?
-- Under the bed.
A. Where B. Who C. Whose D. What
( ) 6. I can see ______ in Lucy』s room.
A. other thing B. any other thing C. some thing D. some other things
( ) 7. These are ______. You can buy a pair for your mother.
A. woman sock B. women sock C. women socks D. woman socks
( ) 8. -- Thank you very much!
-- ________.
A. You』re right B. All right C. You are welcome D. OK.
( ) 9. -- She must be in red.
No, _____. She wears a green coat.
A. she is B. she must not C. I don』t think so. D. I am not
( ) 10. The coat _____ the wall isn』t Kate』s. It』s ______.
A. on; his B. to; mine C. in; he D. under; him
1. The boys like to listen to music when they do ______ (they) homework.
2. My mother』s work is _____ (make) our city safe.
3. One day, Mr Green asked Mrs Green ______ (go) shopping for him.
4. We would brush our _______ (tooth) twice a day.
5. This book is the lightest and ______ (thin) of all the books.
6. She is ______ (good) than Alice at swimming.
7. Janet ______ (get) up at 7:30 a.m. every day, so she is always late for school.
8. I think the ______ (four) lesson is the most difficult in this book.
9. Look at the sign. The library is _____ (close) from 1:00 p.m to 2:00 p.m.
10. Jason is used to ______ (watch) TV the whole night.
1. We are making a model plane. (變成一般疑問句)
2. The boys are sitting under the tree. (對劃線部分提問)
3. Look out of the window. (改為否定句)
4. We can see some birds over there. (對畫線部分提問)
5. The children have some apples. (改為單數句子)
( ) 1. What』s your telephone number, please? A. He is a worker.
( ) 2. It』s very cold today, isn』t it? B. It doesn』t matter.
( ) 3. Can you mend it? C. Yes, wonderful, thanks.
( ) 4. How is your mother? D. Sometimes.
( ) 5. Hi, this is my friend, Lily. E. My telephone number is 6262383
( ) 6. I』m sorry to trouble you. F. Yes, it is. You need to wear warm clothes.
( ) 7. How often do you go to the park? G. Certainly.
( ) 8. Excuse me. Where is the post office? H. Nice to meet you.
( ) 9. What does your father do? I. She is OK.
( ) 10. Did you have a good trip? J. It』s about twenty meters from here.
六、閱讀理解, 根據短文內容判斷正(T)誤(F)。(10分)
It』s Sunday morning. The students of Class 3 are giving their classroom a good cleaning.
Miss Huang, their teacher, is working with them. The children are busy. Some are carrying water; some are cleaning the windows; others are sweeping the floor. Zhang Hua is putting up a map on the wall. It is a map of China. Wang Fei and Wei Qing are mending some broken chairs. The children are listening to the radio while they are working. The classroom looks nice and bright after the cleaning. The children are very happy. They go home for lunch at noon.
( ) 1. The children are playing in their classroom on Sunday morning.
( ) 2. Miss Huang, their mother, is working with them.
( ) 3. There is a map of China on the wall.
( ) 4. Two of them are repairing the broken chairs.
( ) 5. They are singing while they are working.
1,七十億七千零七十萬零七十寫作( ),省略億後面的尾數約是( )億.
2,400.04中右邊的4在( )位上,表示( )個( ).
3,6÷20=( )÷10==( )%=( )【填小數】
4,用字母表示乘法分配律是 .
5,一個平角= 個直角= 個周角
6,3時20分=( )時 2噸=( )千克
7,:化簡比後是 ,比值是 .
8,工地上的水泥用去了a噸,比剩下的少3噸,用含有字母的式子表示工地原有水泥的噸數是 噸.
9,某手錶廠原計劃25天生產1000隻手錶,實際每天生產50隻,實際 天就能完成任務.
10,蘇麗上學期語文,數學,自然三科的平均成績是92分,他英語應考 分,四科的平均成績才能達到94分.
11,淘氣看一本書,第一天看了全書的,第二天看了全書的25%,還剩25頁未看,這本故事書有 頁.
12,一根圓柱形鋼條,長2米,把它橫截成兩段,表面積增加了6平方分米,這根鋼條的體積是 立方米.
1,一件商品按六折出售,表示( ).
〔①原價是現價的60%; ②現價是原價的60%; ③現價是原價的40%〕
2,六年2班女同學佔全班人數的,女同學和男同學人數的比是( ).
〔①2:3; ②3:2; ③5:2〕
3,把一個棱長為a米的正方體,任意截成兩個長方體,這兩個長方體的表面積是( )平方米. 〔①6a2; ②8a2; ③12a2〕
4,將厚0.1毫米的一張紙對折,再對折,這樣折4次後,這張紙厚( )毫米.
〔①0.4; ②0.8; ③1.6; ④0.32〕
5,甲木條長9厘米,乙木條長是甲木條的,用這兩種木條三根圍成一個等腰三解形,等腰三角形的周長是( )厘米.
〔①12.6; ②17.4; ③22.2; ④27〕
2.4÷80= 0.25×8= 30÷30%= 0.3×0.3= 7÷1.4=
×= 12÷= ×56= -= + =
4000-3456÷32×5 3.68-3.6×0.2+0.18 48×9.9+48×0.1
(1-)÷0.25×4 (6-6×)÷12 2÷[ +( -)]
= X:2=0.25: X+3X=2.4
(1)一個數的3倍比16少0.1,這個數是多少 (用方程解)


1,小莉家二月份用電 度;
2,如果每度電收費0.45元,小莉家三月份要交電費 元;
1,李老師到銀行存款8000元,定期三年,年利率2.25%,扣除利息稅20%,到期後可領回利息多少元 (4分)
2,小明說,今年他的年齡比爺爺的還小3歲.已知小明今年15歲,爺爺今年多少歲 (列方程解)(4分)
3,六(1)班分甲,乙,丙三組參加植樹活動,甲組人數佔全班人數的,如果從丙組調2人到甲組,三組人數剛好相等,全班有多少個學生 (5分)
4,下圖是一個圓柱形的蛋糕盒(單位:厘米). 在它的側面貼上商標,商標的面積至少多少 (5分)
5,為了孩子的衛生安全,實驗幼兒園給每個小朋友配一個水杯.每隻水杯3元,安盛超市打九折,新華都超市買八送一.幼兒園想買180隻水杯,請你當參謀,算一算到哪家購買較合算 請寫出你的理由.(5分)

Ⅷ 常用英語單詞1000

accent 加重
accurate 精確
acquire 獲得
action 操作,運算
adjust 調整
ambient light 環境光
angle 角度
anti-aliased 平滑處理
arbitrary 任意的
arrange 排列
arrow 箭頭
artistic 藝術的,美術的

balance 平衡
bar 條,欄
base 基準
batch 批量,成批
bevel 使成斜角,斜切
bilinear 雙線性插值
bitmap 點陣圖,點陣圖
blend 混合,調和
blur 模糊
bold 加粗
border 邊界,邊框
brightness 亮度
brush 畫筆,筆形
build 建造,創立
burn 焦化,燒黑
button 按鈕

cache 快速存儲器
calculation 計算
calibrate 校準,校驗
canvas 畫布
carve 鐫刻
cascade 層疊
chalk 粉筆,作記號
channel 通道,頻道
charcoal 炭筆畫
chrome 鉻黃,鉻合金
classic 經典的
click (單)擊(滑鼠)
clipboard 剪貼版
clone 復制
cloud 雲彩
command 命令
content 內容
continue 連續的,持續的
contour 輪廓線,周線
contract 收縮,縮小
contrast 反差,對比
coordinate 協調,協作
craquelue 裂紋
crayon 蠟筆
crop 剪裁
crystallize 水晶
curl 螺旋狀物,捲曲的
current 當前的
cursor 游標,游標
curve 曲線
custom 自定義

darken 較黑的,使變黑
daubs 塗抹
define 定義
design 設計
destination 目標,對象
difference 區別,差異
diffuse 散亂擴散
displace 轉移
distort 扭曲
document 文檔,文件
dodge 加亮
drop shadow 投影
otone 雙色調
plicate 復制
st 灰塵,塵土

edge 邊界
effect 效果作用
embed 嵌入
emboss 浮雕
enlarge 放大
equalize 平均化
expand 擴充,擴展
export 輸出
extrude 突出
eyedropper 吸管

facet 刻面
feather 暈開,羽化
fill 填充
flare 張開,閃耀
flatten 變平
flip 翻轉
fragment 碎片
fresco 壁畫

gamut 整個領域
general 普通的
glass 玻璃杯
glow 發光
gradient 漸變
grain 紋理
graphics 圖形
grayscale 灰階,灰度圖
grid 坐標格子
group 群,組
grow 成長
guide 參考,參考線

halftone 半色調
histogram 柱狀圖
horizontal 水平
hue 色相

icon 圖標
image 圖像
import 輸入
index 索引
Inner 內部的
input 輸入
intensity 亮度
inverse 相反
invert 反轉,反相

keyboard 鍵盤
kilometre 千米,公里

lens 凹凸透鏡,焦距
level 級別,色階
light 光線
location 定位

magic 有魔法的
magic wand 魔棒
mask 遮罩,掩膜
maximum 最大值
memory 記憶,內存
merge 合並,融合
minimum 最小值
mode 模式,方式
modify 修改,改變
monitor 顯示器,監視器
monochrome 單色的
mosaic 馬塞克
motion 運動
multichannel 多通道模式

negative 負片,負像
noise 噪音,糙點
numeric 數字化的;分數

offset 位移,偏移
option 選項
ornament 裝飾
outline 輪廓,外形

palette 調色板
parameter 參數,參變數
paste 粘貼
pastel 彩色粉筆,蠟筆畫
patchwork 補教,式樣
path 路徑
pattern 圖案
perspective 透視
pinch 極化,凹陷或突起
plug-ins 插件(濾鏡)
pointillize 亂點描述
polar coordinates 極坐標
poster 招貼畫
posterize 色調分離
preference 偏好設定
preview 預覽
previous 前一個
pseudo 假的
purge 消除

radial 圓形
range 范圍,領域
relief 救濟,援救
render 渲染,粉刷,上色
reticulation 網狀物
revert 還原,復原
ripple 漣漪,波紋
rotate 旋轉
rough 粗略
ruler 標尺

saturation 色彩飽和度
scale 縮放
scratch 暫時,臨時
screen 屏幕
seam 縫,接縫
selection 選擇,工作區
selective 精心挑選的
separation 分離,分開
sharpen 銳化
shear 扭曲變形
similar 相似的
sketch 草圖,畫稿
skew 偏斜的
smart 靈活的,精巧的
smooth 平滑的
smudge 玷污,污點
snapshot 快照
solarize 中途曝光
spatter 濺,灑落
sponge 海綿
spray 噴,噴塗
stain 著色,染色
stamp 蓋章,蓋印
status 狀態,狀況
stereo 立體聲
stroke 筆劃,打擊
swirl 漩渦,卷狀物

texture 質地,紋理
threshold 兩階調化
tile 平鋪,窗口並聯
trace 跟蹤,鏤邊
trail 痕跡,足跡
transform 轉變,變形
transparency 透明度
twirl 捲曲,快速旋轉

ultimate 最終的
uncommon 罕見,非凡的
units 單位,單元

vertex 頂點,最高點
vertical 垂直的
video 視頻,電視
view 視圖,顯示方式
virus 病毒
visible 可見的,明顯的
visual 視覺的
vogue 流行,時尚
volume (磁碟)容量
vortex 漩渦

watercolor 水彩
watermark 水印
wave 波紋,波動
welder 焊接
workstation 工作站
wrinkle 皺紋

zero 零
zigzag 鋸齒
zoom in 放大
zoom out 縮小