㈠ 日本櫻花蛋糕保質期是多少天
㈡ 急!急!急!用一篇英語介紹櫻花慕斯蛋糕,蔓越莓餅干,戚風蛋糕,心太軟蛋糕。實在不行就介紹一個也行。
Today I have a diner withe my friends in a west restarant. A food menue catch my great interest. I feel very funny.Some chinese dishes seems very special when it is translat into English. So I want learn more in the daily life.
Some ordinary food in our table are special on this menue.The most important thing I find is taht some of the name is not very suitable.I want one day I can translate them by myself
㈢ 與櫻花有關的美食都有哪些
1. 櫻花餅:櫻花餅是一種日本傳統的糕點,通常在櫻花季節出售。它的外形像櫻花,內部則是紅豆沙或其他餡料。
6. 櫻花丸子:櫻花丸子是一種以櫻花為主題的丸子,通常用櫻花花瓣裝飾,具有清香的花香和鹹味。
7. 櫻花飲料:櫻花飲料是一種以櫻花為原料製成的飲料,具有清香的花香和淡淡的甜味。