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西山蛋糕店在哪裡 2024-09-29 18:40:54
慶祝中考通過的蛋糕圖片 2024-09-29 18:40:48


發布時間: 2022-02-07 05:40:13

❶ 關於蛋糕從哪來的英語作文

Daughter: mum, can you tell me what is the cake?
Mother: daughter, I do the most simple method is: an egg and some sugar and flour. Use tupperware shake cup into the egg white and white sugar cover tightly before shake, until the egg white become foamy. And then into the hold egg yolk microwave oven special bowl, add sugar and a little flour, a little mixing become paste. In the microwave for two minutes to go, the flavor of the cake came out.
Daughter: I know! This cake is original! Thanks, mom.


❷ 高分求關於戚風蛋糕的英文資料,最好附翻譯^^


(1) 分蛋要小心,勿使蛋白沾到一絲油、水或蛋黃。

(2) 糖需分兩份,加在蛋黃中,一份加在蛋白中。

(3) 加油和牛奶時,要一匙加入拌勻再加另一匙,不要一口氣全倒入。

(4) 麵粉篩入後輕輕拌勻即可,不要用力攪拌或攪拌過久。

(5) 蛋白一定要打到硬性發泡,即其尖鋒能豎立不下垂才行,否則烤好後蛋糕易塌陷。

(6) 將蛋白泡沫與蛋黃麵糊拌勻時,動作要輕且快,如果拌得太久或太用力,麵糊易變稀。入爐烘烤時,麵糊越濃,蛋糕烤好後就越膨鬆不易塌陷,如果麵糊呈稀軟狀態則可能失敗。

(7) 蛋糕模型不可塗油,因為戚風蛋糕麵糊必須藉助黏附模型壁的力量往上膨脹,有油就失去黏附力了,所以只需在模型底部墊上底紙即可。


一、 材料:蛋3個、糖7匙、牛油(色拉油)3匙、牛奶5匙、低筋麵粉100克、發粉1小匙(或用自發粉100克代替)、鹽1/4小匙、塔塔粉1/4小匙(無可用幾滴檸檬汁或白醋代替)、電動打蛋器、量匙。







Proction elements:

(1) eggs to be careful, Wu Shi-Zhan slightest oil, water or egg yolk.

(2) Sugar takes two minutes, add the egg yolks, an increase in protein.

(3) refueling and milk, it is necessary to join the拌勻a spoonful of the key with another, not all at one go into.

(4) after lightly flour sieve into拌勻can, do not force mixing or stirring too long.

(5) protein must reach the hard foam, that is, its sharp front ptosis才行be erected not otherwise Kaohao-cake after the collapse.

(6) of the bubble and the yolk batter拌勻, to be light and fast action, if the mix for too long or too forced, thin batter volatile. Baked into the furnace, the more dense batter, the cake bulk Kaohao more difficult after the collapse, if the batter was thin soft state is likely to fail.

(7) cake model of an Oiler, as chiffon cake batter must build on the strength of adhesion model wall swelling up, the oil will lose its adhesion, so only at the bottom of the model to put to paper at the end.

Specifically, as follows:

1. Material: 3 eggs, sugar 7 spoons, butter (salad oil) 3 keys, 5 spoons of milk, 100 grams of low-gluten flour, Fafen a spoon (or use their own instead of 100 grams of powder), salt 1 / 4 spoon, tartar 1 / 4 spoon (no drops of lemon juice or vinegar can be used instead), the electric Mixer, of the key.

Second, add egg yolks 4 spoons of sugar, with straight Mixer hit so far was milky white.

Third, a spoonful of salad oil a spoonful of accession, together with another force拌勻keys, and then adding milk, the same reason.

4, flour, salt and sieve into the Fafen, lightly拌勻, not to over-mixing, put aside.

5, a protein with Mixer and tartar, to a crude protein bubbles, by adding three spoons of sugar to continue to fight hard foam.

6, from 1 / 3 of the bubble拌勻paste with egg yolk, then the whole set of bubble into the egg yolk paste in拌勻, action should be light and fast

7, will be blowing into the cake batter has a pad of paper model, Ma Ping surface, the table to throw the earthquake within the larger bubbles, into the oven down layer, and bake 180 degrees about 15 minutes and then lowered to 160 Bake for 10 to 15 minutes.

8, after the release of Gekai model with a knife edge, Flip out Chenre removed at the end of paper, on the cooler shelf cooling.

❸ 奶茶蛋糕怎麼



❹ 小惡魔的蛋糕怎麼做




牛奶 200ml

黃油 130g

espresso(意式濃縮咖啡) 40ml

蜂蜜或楓葉糖漿 2tbsp

椰子粉(coconut flour) 110g

普通麵粉 200g

糖(已減量) 200g

泡打粉 1tsp

香草精 5、6滴

雞蛋 2個


榛子巧克力 300g

Heavy whipping cream 200ml

黃油 150g


  1. 烤箱預熱180℃/ 355℉。130g黃油,40ml意式濃縮咖啡,2tbsp蜂蜜或糖漿和200ml牛奶,小火加熱攪拌,至黃油完全融化後放在一旁冷卻,加入幾滴香草精攪拌均勻。

  2. 把110g椰子粉,200g麵粉,200g糖,1tsp泡打粉在碗中混勻。能一起過一遍篩就最好啦~我比較懶就沒有過= =

  3. 把2個雞蛋放在大碗中,打蛋器稍稍打一下,達到有比較細小的泡沫就可以了(slightly foamy)。加入1中的咖啡奶糊和2中的混合粉類,切拌均勻。注意不要攪拌過度讓麵粉起筋了。

  4. 把麵糊平分到兩個烤盤里(如果沒有兩個烤盤就一個個烤也沒問題,或者也可以先烤成一大個然後出來再切成兩片,不過那樣時間就需要調整了,我沒試過。。)
    在預熱好的烤箱里180℃/ 355℉烤25min左右

  5. 趁著蛋糕在烤箱里長大,我們來做奶油吧~!在一個碗里把150g黃油和300g榛子巧克力掰成小塊。200ml的heavy whipping cream中火加熱至大滾,迅速倒入巧克力和黃油碗里,並且馬上快速攪拌,至巧克力和黃油完全融化在奶油里變成巧克力醬。放在一邊冷卻5分鍾以上~

  6. 這個時候蛋糕也差不多好了~拿出來也稍微冷一冷,不然急著抹奶油很容易把奶油化得到處都是~等到蛋糕和奶油都不燙了的時候,在一層蛋糕的上面抹上厚厚的一層巧克力奶油(devil's food cake就是很奢侈的:P

  7. 再把另一層蛋糕片蓋上去,在表面抹滿奶油,就好了~~


1. 方子里的量夠一個24cm的圓模,兩層。因為我們家只有兩個人吃,所以我做得時候是把量減半了,也只做了一層。大家可以按自己的需要來~~
2. espresso如果沒有可以用40ml水沖兩大勺咖啡粉~