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波點蛋糕視頻大全 2025-01-15 23:25:08


發布時間: 2024-10-09 23:05:56

A. deliciouscake是什麼品牌的蛋糕

甄伴。甄伴(DELICIOUS)糕點/點心,蘇寧易購提供甄伴(DELICIOUS)雪花酥80g穀物酥網紅手工奶芙糕點心水果蔬穀物酥糖休閑零食,有味有料 ,果蔬水果搭配。

B. 緹庡懗鐨勮泲緋曡嫳璇

緹庡懗鐨勮泲緋曡嫳璇鏄痙elicious cake銆

1銆乨elicious 緹庡懗鐨

榪欎釜鍗曡瘝鏄鏈甯哥敤鐨勮〃杈劇編鍛崇殑銆倀he delicious taste 緹庡懗浣寵偞It鈥榮 delicious.瀹冪湡緹庡懗鍟婏紒

5銆乤ppetizing 寮鑳冪殑

Appetizing food looks and smells good, so that you want to eat it.寮鑳冪殑椋熺墿鐪嬭搗鏉ュ拰闂昏搗鏉ラ兘寰堜笉閿欙紝鎼炲緱浣犲緢鎯沖悆銆

6銆乼asty 緹庡懗鐨

a tasty meal

C. 這個蛋糕一定是非常美味的用英語怎麼說

This cake must be delicious。